받아들이든지 말든지. Uncategorized 2007. 4. 11. 받아들이든지 말든지. A: I don't want it. B: Uh, little lady, I think you're mistaken. This car is in like-new condition. It's got at least another 60,000 miles on it. A: Actually, it's got about six miles on it, and then it's going to die, and I'm not your little lady. I'll give you 1,500 for that red one. B: It's listed at over $2,000. A: 1,500, take it or leave it. - 해설강의: 안병규(안병규어학원 강사), John Valentine 공유하기 게시글 관리 성현스토리 'Uncategorized' 관련 글 더 보기 When the pain of remaining the same exceeds the pain of change, 2007.04.11 더 읽기 행복의 문 하나가 닫히면 다른 문들이 열린다. 2007.04.11 더 읽기 술취한 정도를 나타내는 영어표현이 있나요? 2007.04.11 더 읽기 [American History] Cuban Missile Crisis 2007.04.11 더 읽기