Korean culture booklets to be given out at Smithsonian

Korean culture booklets to be given out at Smithsonian
 Date: October 15, 2008
Around mid-October, free English booklets that explain exhibit items in the Korea Gallery of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington DC in the United States will be distributed to visitors.

An active Korea publicist, Seo Kyung-duk who led the booklet project and who has put ads in major U.S. dailies about Japan's territorial claims to Korea's Dokdo, said that a Korean online game company GK Power, the sponsor of this project, will issue 10,000 booklets for free distribution at the Korea Gallery within the museum around mid-October.

He added that the 120-page booklet titled "Flagship of a Fleet" will not only explain the relics that are on display at the Korea Gallery in the museum but it will feature Korea's history, nature, ceramics and other cultural assets.

He expressed his hopes that the booklets would contribute to promoting Korean culture, since about six million people visit the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History every year.

Seo Kyung-duk shows the English booklet.
Seo Kyung-duk shows the English booklet.
In order to commemorate the issue of new booklets, the Smithsonian museum will hold a seminar on the booklet and Korean culture jointly with George Washington University later this month.

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History opened the Korea Gallery in 2007 .

On display at the 1,800-square-foot exhibition arena are sculptures, paintings, examples of calligraphy and more.

The gallery was the first section of a planned Hall of Asian Cultures.

By Han Aran
Korea.net Staff Writer