Article Directory , The book you need if you want to learn how to generate massive Google Adsense income running your article directory on the internet.

Article Directory

The book you need if you want to learn how to generate massive Google Adsense income running your article directory on the internet.

Stop knocking yourself out to make money the hard way!...…

“At Last! You Can Make Money With Google AdSense…Without Having To Write One Word of Content!”

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We Spent Thousands Of Dollars And Over 2 Months Of Our Time Creating A Unique Article Directory Script.

You Can Now Run An Article Submission Site That Gets Other People To Submit Articles,

Which Builds Thousands Of Google AdSense Revenue Generating Pages Without You Lifting A Finger

Plus It Builds You An Email List At The Same Time!

Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,

Let’s face it, making money on the internet can be a little bit confusing!

There’s no doubt that Google Adsense is a proven money maker, but getting content pages to put those ads on is probably the most difficult thing for any internet to do.

Frankly, good content is one of the few things you just can’t fake.

Of course, some people will tell you can do fine without lots of new content on your site all the time.

WRONG! Just ask them how much their last Google AdSense check was for. The numbers speak for themselves.

Sure, there are lots of ebooks that will teach you how to become a maestro of AdSense, and there are books on how to get content written…but learning all that information and then trying to get content takes time.—a lot of it.

I mean, you practically have to give up your job and start cranking out content full-time to make it pay off.

Sound at all familiar?

But then I got an idea…

I’ve gotten a ton of requests from people who want to make money with AdSense but who just don’t have time to go chasing down fresh content every day. And I mean a ton. So many, in fact, that it made me think, “How can I automate this process?”

It took time, but I came up with a script that lets you run a site that solicits articles from people, post them, and puts Google ads on every single one of those puppies.

Think about it—if you get 50 people submitting an article to you a day, after 100 days you have 50,000 articles, with Google ads on each one…

We’re Talking Serious Money Here!

But wait, you say, why would people submit articles to your site for free?

Well, it’s pretty simple. Inside all of us is an approval-seeking being who wants to see his or her name in print.

Admit it…don’t you smile just a little bit when you see your name on a nameplate, or a sports roster, or in a letter to the editor?

Everybody wants to be a star.

There’s another aspect of human nature that will make people send you free articles.

When someone’s passionate about something, whether they love it or hate it, they’ll write about it for free just to get it out there where others will see it.

But the biggest reason these people will submit these articles to your new Article Directory site is to be able to add their name and link back to their site at the bottom of every article!

They know these articles will be copied from your article site and used by hundreds or even thousands of other people all the while getting their name and resource box links spread all an out the internet!

So what my script does is take advantage of human nature.

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, it isn’t if you have the right tool.

The best part is while all of this is going on- other people are building your massive site for you, a little bit at a time just like the search engines like it!

The Right (and the Wrong) Way to Get Free Content

Getting people to write jillions of free articles for you sounds great, right? But there’s one other thing to consider—how are you going to keep track of all those people’s work and how are you going to track your AdSense revenue?

You need a back office system.

And that’s just what my script includes.

Included is everything you need to run your own article web site and a fully functional administrative backhand to keep track of all your users, and also functions that would allow you to e-mail all your users as well.

Plus you do not have to be a genius to run this system, the backend is just as easy as adding your content into by typing it into the provided boxes-

You do not need to know a thing about html!

Here’s What All You Get In The Script”

1. Absolutely everything you need to run your own turnkey article web site.

2. A fully functional administrative backend to keep track of all your users and articles!

3. Easy-to-use functions that let you e-mail all your users.

Finally! A way to quickly and easily make thousands of high content Adsense revenue generation page all while letting others do all the work!

If You have always wanted to be able to quit your day job and break into the Internet Marketing world building high content web sites is a great way to do it! Grab this incredible software now!

You see, instead of compiling everything into a thick book that’ll probably just gather dust on your shelf we’ve put everything in an electronic reference work that you can quickly and easily search for exactly what you need.

Listen to What Other Internet Marketers
Say About our "Article Directory Web site Scripts"

Place Your Customers Testimonial Here-   

  Customers Name -   Sherwood, Oregon

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  Customers Name -   Phoenix, AZ


Okay, So No You Must Be Asking Yourself How Much Am I Charging For A Tool That Can Turn You Into An Adsense Income Generating Machine, All While Running Your Very Own Article Directory?

Honestly, I gave some serious consideration to bundling this into one of my other packages, along with my one-on-one mentoring package, and charging between $1,000 & $2000 a pop.

But then as I looked into the logistics of doing that, it got complicated.

I’d have to do a lot of extra work and right now I just flat out don’t have the time to put into any more personal coaching clients!

The good news is that I’m not going to charge you anywhere near $1,000, or even $500.00 for that matter-

In fact, your total investment for “Our Article Directory Website Scripts" is only going to be $197.00

This is an incredible value for the money, so don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

We spent many thousand of dollars creating this incredible set of scripts and the income possibilities are hundreds of times what we are asking!

Special Bonuses For Your Quick Action

Needless to say, this script is one honey of a money-maker.

Truth is, you really won’t have to do much—the script makes it that easy. But even with that said, just to sweeten the pot a bit I'm also going to hand you 2 additional special bonuses to reward you for taking action immediately.

Since I know it's 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!

If you respond immediately, you'll also receive the following:

Bonus #1:

Reply Email Automator -
Full MASTER Reprint Rights

We have only sold MASTER RIGHTS to REA to a handful of people before so you will be one of the first to have master rights to this great product. This is a $197 value

Bonus #2:'s Amazing Popups -
Three Months Free

We have arranged a special deal for you to be able to get three months free to the new amazing way to make sure your web site visitors "Can't Miss" any message you wish to place in from of them! Get your 3 months free membership now before it's too late! This is a $14.95 per month value and you get 3 months FREE!

Together these 2 free bonuses are worth more than your investment in our incredible Article Site scripts-- but they're all yours absolutely free when you order by midnight today!

There you have it - you couldn't ask for a better deal!

And if all of that wasn't enough, here's something else…

100% "Better-Than-Risk-Free" Money Back Guarantee

Listen, if you don't agree that this it the most useful, money-making script you’ve ever used, simply email me and I'll issue you a 100% refund on the spot.

No hard feelings and no questions asked.

In fact, I'll extend this guarantee for an entire 12 months after you get everything!

That's right, 365 days to use and profit from this unique system or else ask (and receive) an immediate refund.

And if you decide to opt for a refund I still want you to keep the 2 bonuses as my free gift just for giving this a shot.

There is absolutely no risk, whatsoever on your part.

The burden to deliver is entirely on me.

If you don’t like our system for any reason, any reason what so ever such as you can't register a domain name to install it on, or is not making you the kind of money for you that you thought it would, or if its just plain not tall enough- then a refund is yours-

I am that sure- that when you see how powerful a money maker this script is, you will not even think of wanting a refund!

Fair enough?

Look at it this way -- $197.00 is really a painless drop in the bucket to get yourself finally building that automatic Google Adsense income you keep hearing about!. That’s why…

You Really Can’t Afford Not To Invest In
This Incredible System!

I urge you to take action right now and grab this incredible script NOW. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this one.

Grab your copy of the script now by clicking here for our safe and secure order form.

It's easy to get started right away. Just click the order link below.

And get yourself ready to start cashing those Google Adsense check in the next few months!

Click here to order right now for only $197.00 (even if it’s 3:00 am in the morning).

Link the above image button to your payment link and then delete this pink text.  Be sure you send your customers to the "thanksAD.htm" page for their download after their sale is completed

Don't worry downloading everything is a snap and it works for both PC and MAC users plus you still get all the bonuses listed above..

Your Name Here

P.S. You'll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to start raking in the Google AdSense money once those articles start coming in.

You won’t need to write another word of content when you let my script set you up so that people are giving you their content.

Better yet, you’re trying the script completely at my risk!

P.P.S  Limited Number Of Reprint Rights Now Available! How would you like to grab Reprint Rights to this incredible software and be able to start selling it as your own right now?  We have a limited number of reprint rights packages that are now available Click Here For Details On Reprint Rights!

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LGN PROSPERITY is a full member of all of the following e-book is available for download.

And automatically, by participating in marketing is possible to generate additional revenue.

The following e-book content, as well as for other revenue-generating and resale is possible.

If you want more information, busy "here" Click

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