It의 용법

It의 용법                                              

1) 앞에 언급한 명사를 받는다.

  • He took a stone and threw it. (= the stone)

2) 앞에 나온 구나 절을 받는다.

  • The prisoner attempted to escape, but found it impossible.
  • He is innocent, I know it quite well.

3) 가주어로 쓰일 때.

  • It is very pretty that doll.
  • It is very hard (for me) to study English.
  • It is very important that you should do the work.

4) 가목적어로 쓰일 때.

  • I make it a rule to get up early.
    • I found it impossible to have breakfast at eight.

    5) 비인칭대명사로 쓰일 때.

    ① 시간, 거리, 계절, 명암, 요일, 날씨 등을 나타내며 뜻은 없다.

    • It is fine today. (날씨)
    • It is spring now. (계절)
    • What time is it now? (시간)
    • How far is it from here to the station? (거리)
    • What day is it?  It is Saturday. (요일)
    • It is dark in the room. (명암)

    ② 막연한 상황을 나타낼 때

    • How goes it with you? (요즘 경기가 어떻습니까?)
    • How is it in the market?

    6) It ∼ that  강조구문 : 문장의 일부<주어, 목적어, 부사(구) 등>를 특히 강조함.

    ① 평서문의 강조.

    • I bought the book yesterday.

      It was I that(who) bought the book yesterday.

      It was the book that I bought yesterday.

      It was yesterday that(when) I bought the book.

    ② 의문문의 강조.

    - 의문문 → 평서문 → 강조구문 → 다시 의문문의 순으로 고침.

    • Did you send me the flower? (의문문)

      → You sent me the flower. (평서문)

      → It was you that sent me the flower. (강조구문)

      Was it you that sent me the flower? (의문문의 강조구문)

    ③ 진주어.가주어 와 강조구문의 구분법

    ★ 진주어.가주어 구문인 경우.

    • that절을 it 자리에 놓아도 문장이 성립함.
    • It is that을 생략하면 문장이 성립하지 않음.

    ★ 강조구문인 경우.

    • that절을 it 자리에 놓으면 문장이 성립하지 않음.
    • It is that을 생략해도 문장이 성립함.
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