

1. 지시대명사란?

-『이것(들)』『저것(들)』 등 사람 또는 사물을 가리키는 대명사


의 미

비    고

this (these)


비교적 가까이 있는 사물이나 사람을 가리킴

that (those)


멀리 있는 사물이나 사람을 가리킴


 그런 사람(사물)


 같은 것(일)


 그런 일→그렇게

2. this, that의 용법

1) 상호 대조를 이룸

  • One man says this, and another that.
  • These are better than those, I think.

2) 전자(前者) vs 후자(後者)

전  자

후  자

비      고

 the one

 the other

the one이 후자, the other가 전자를 가리킬 때도 있다.

 the former

 the latter



  • We keep a dog and a cat; I like the one better than the other.
  • Health is above wealth; this cannot give so much happiness as that.

3) this, that이 앞의 구나 문장 또는 뒷문장의 내용을 가리킬 때.

  • He did not answer the letter, and this made me all the more angry.
  • He promised to pay his debt, but he feared that very much.
  • He paid back the money at once, and this shows how honest he is.
  • I will pay you tomorrow.  That will satisfy you.

  • 4) 명사의 반복을 피하기 위한 that of∼, those of∼

  • The population of Japan is much larger than Korea. (×)

    →The population of Japan is much larger that of Korea. (○) <that = the population>

    • His dress is that of a gentleman, but his speech and behavior are those of a clown.
  • The ears of a rabbit is longer than those of a fox.

  • 5) those who∼,  he who∼ : ∼하는 사람(들)

    • Those who like borrowing dislike paying.
    • He who wants everything doesn't get anything.

    6) 관용구

    • ∼ and that,  and ∼ at that (그것도,  더욱이)
    • that is,  that is to say (즉,  다시 말하면)

    Such의 용법

    1) 보어로 쓰임

    • Such was my reward. (내가 받은 보답은 이런 것이었다.)

      ★ 보어로 쓰이는 such는 단수.복수에 두루 쓰인다.

    2) as such의 형태로 앞에 나온 어구나 문장을 받음.

    • He is a child and must be treated as such. ( = a child)

      그는 어린아이이므로 그렇게(어린아이로) 취급되어야 한다.

    3) such ∼ as… : …과 같은 ∼ /  such as ∼ : 가령 ∼과 같은.

    • Such men as Washington and Lincoln are rare. (워싱턴과 같은 이는 드물다.)
    • Autumn gives us fruits, such as pears, persimmons, and apples.

      (가을은 우리에게 배, 감, 사과 같은 과일을 준다.)

    4) such + 명사 + that  =   so + 형용사/부사 + that  : 너무 ∼하므로

    • She is such a lovely child that everybody loves her.
    • He had such a fever that he nearly died.

      = He was so feverish that he nearly died.

    • such a long sermon  =  so long a sermon (○)
    • such long sermons(○)   so long sermons (×)  

    The same의 용법

    1) 목적어로 사용된다. (same에는 항상 the가 따른다.)

    • We must do the same. (우리는 같은 것을 해야한다.)

    2) the same ∼ as 는 동일종류  /  the same ∼ that 는 동일물을 나타낸다.

    • This is the same watch as I gave her.  (동일종류)
    • This is the same watch that I gave her.  (동일물)

      ★ 이때 same은 형용사이다.

    3) the same은 that 이외의 관계대명사나 관계부사와도 같이 쓰인다.

    • Are these the same people who came here yesterday? (이분들이 어제 여기에 왔던 그분들인가?)
    • the same ∼ where (when, who, as)...

    4) 부사로 쓰이는 경우

    They do not think the same as we do. (그들은 우리처럼 생각하지 않는다.)

    ★ 이때 the same = in like manner (∼와 마찬가지로, ∼처럼)

    So의 용법

    1) 대명사로서 목적어로 쓰임.

    - so는 대명사로서 do, say, call, tell, speak, think, suppose, imagine, hope, believe 등 타동사의 목적어로 쓰인다.

    • Is he coming?   I think so.

    2) 보어로 쓰일 때.

    • He had been weak, but he wouldn't be so no longer.

    3) So am I.  /  So I am.

    • so + S + V : (so = yes)
    • so + V + S : (so = also)

      A: I am pretty.

      B: I am pretty, too. (= So am I.)

      A: You are pretty.

      B: Yes, I am pretty, indeed. (= So I am.)

    / / /