

1. 수량형용사 일람표


수 ( + 복수명사)

양 ( + 셀 수 없는 명사)

거의 없는




a few

a little



a good (great) many

a great (large) number of

a multitude of


a good deal of

a great deal of

a lot of

lots of

(a) plenty of

2. 수량형용사 Many, Much

1) many + 복수명사,   many a + 단수명사

- many a + 단수명사는 복수의 의미지만 반드시 단수동사를 사용한다.

- many + 복수명사는 복수동사를 사용한다.

  • Many a student has repeated the same mistake.

    = Many students have repeated the same mistake.

  • Many a time(s) did I warn him, but to no purpose.

    ★ 부사구인 many a time이 문두로 도치되어『조동사 + 주어 + 본동사』의 형태로 사용.

  • I have a good many things to do today.
  • A large number of people visit the historic site.
  • He has had to spend a good deal of money on medicines.
  • She spend a lot of money on clothes.

2) as many : 같은 정도의 수. 동수의

   as much : 같은 정도의 양, 동량의

   like so many: 같은 수의 ∼처럼

   like so much: 같은 양의 ∼처럼

  • He made ten mistakes in as many lines. (as many = ten) (열 줄에서 열 개의 잘못을 했다.)
  • There were five accidents in as many days. (as many = five) (5일 동안에 5건의 사고가 발생했다.)
  • She was respected, and her husband as much despised. (그녀는 존경을 받았는데, 남편은 그만큼 멸시를 받았다.)
  • He drank two bottles of beer and as much wine. (그는 맥주 두 병과 포도주 두 병을 마셨다.)
  • They worked like so many ants. (그들은 개미 떼처럼 일했다.)
  • The wooden houses flamed up like so many match-boxes. (목조 건물들은 마치 성냥갑처럼 불길이 타올랐다.)

3) not so much A as B = not A so much as B

   = less A than B = B rather than A  (A라기 보다는 오히려 B이다.)

  • He is not so much a scholar as a statesman.

    = He is not a scholar so much as a statesman.

    = He is a statesman rather than a scholar.

4) not so much as = not even = ∼조차도 못한다.

  • She can not so much as write her own name.

    = She can not even write her own name.

5) not much = 너무 ∼은 아니다.

  • He is not much of a scholar.(그는 대단한 학자는 아니다.)
  • I do not see much of him. (나는 그를 자주 만나지는 않는다.)

6) without so much as = without even = ∼조차도 없이.

  • He left without so much as saying goodbye to me.

3. 수량형용사 Few, Little

1) few,  a few : 수 표시에 사용.

few   : 거의 없는, 별로 없는(부정을 나타냄)

a few : 조금 있는(긍정의 기분을 나타냄)

  • He has few fiends. (거의 없다.)
  • He has a few fiends. (약간 있다.)

2) little,  a little : 양 표시에 사용.

little   : 별로 없는(부정의 기분)

a little : 약간 있는(긍정의 기분)

  • I have a little money with me. (약간 있다.)
  • I have little money with me. (거의 없다.)

3) not a few (상당히 많은 :『수』에 사용) = quite a few  = no few = many

  • There are not a few such men.

4) only a few = but few : 약간

  • He has only a few friends.

5) the little

  • I did the little (what little) I could. (나는 미력이나마 전력을 다했다.)

    ★ the little은 뒤에 수식하는 말이 오므로 the가 붙는다.

6) not a little   (꽤 많은 :『양』에 사용) = quite a little  = no little  = much  

  • It has caused me not a little anxiety. (not a little = considerable)

7) little이 문두로 도치되면 『little + 조동사 + 주어 + 본동사』의 형태.

  • I little dreamed that I should never see him again.

    = Little did I dream that I should never see him again.

    (내가 그를 다시는 보지 못하리라는 것은 꿈에도 생각하지 못했다.)

8) little이 know, think, imagine, guess suspect, realize 등의 동사 앞에 쓰여서

 『전혀 ∼하지 않은(not at all)』의 뜻으로 쓰인다.

  • He little knows that the police are about to arrest him.

    = Little does he know that the police are about to arrest him.

    (경찰이 체포하려하고 있다는 것을 그는 전혀 모르고 있다.)

9) little better than = as good as = ∼과 거의 같은.

  • He is little better than beggar.

10) little short of = almost

  • It is little short of a miracle. (그것은 기적이나 다름없다.)

4. 수사 (Numeral)

- 수사에는 다음의 세 가지가 있다.

    ① 기수사(Cardinal) : one, two, three, four, five......

    ② 서수사(Ordinal) : the first, the second, the third.....

    ③ 배수사(Multiplicative) : half, double, thrice.....

1) 기수 읽기

① 21∼99까지는 hyphen(-)을 붙인다.

  • 21 : twenty-one
  • 68 : sixty-eight        

② 100 이상의 수에는 hundred다음에 and를 넣고 읽는다.

  • 135 : one hundred and thirty-five
  • 567 : five hundred and sixty-seven

③ 1000이상의 수는 세 계단마다 comma를 두고 읽는다.

  • 3,021 : three thousand and twenty-one
  • 5,397 : five thousand three hundred and ninety-seven
  • 100,000 : one hundred thousand
  • 1,000,000 : one million
  • 10,000,000 : ten million
  • 1,234,567 : one million, two hundred and thirty-four thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven.

④ 소수점 읽기

  • 2.5 : two point (or decimal) five
  • 34.805 : thirty-five point eight nought five
  • 0.3417 : nought point three four one seven

⑤ 연대 읽기 : 보통은 두 자리씩 끊어서 읽는다.

  • 1994 : nineteen ninety-four

      nineteen hundred and ninety-four

      one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four

  • 1800 : eighteen hundred
  • 1801 : eighteen hundred and one,  eighteen one·

⑥ 전화번호 읽기 :

  • (043) 123-4560 : o[ou] four three / one two three four five six o.

⑦ 시간 읽기

  • 9:30 a.m. = nine thirty [ei:em] (a.m. =ante meridiem)
  • 3:25 p.m. = three twenty five [pi:em] (p.m. = post meridiem)
  • 10:55 = ten fifty-five,  five to eleven
  • 10:05 = ten five,  five past ten
  • 10:15 = ten fifteen,  a quarter past ten
  • 10:30 = ten thirty,  a half past ten

⑧ 금액 읽기

  • $2.50 : two dollars (and) fifty (cents),  two dollars and a half

⑨ 페이지, 행 읽기

  • page 7 : page seven,  the seventh page
  • p. 3. l. 22 = page three, line twenty-two
  • Lesson Ⅳ : lesson four, the fourth lesson
  • Book Ⅱ : Book two, the second book  

⑩ 가감승제

  • 2+3=5 : Two and three are(is, make, makes) five.

              Two plus three equals (equal) five.

  • 8-1=7 : One from eight leaves (is) seven.

              Eight minus one is (equals) seven.

  • 6×4=24 : Six multiplied by four is twenty-four.

                 Six times four is twenty-four.

  • 25÷5=5 : Twenty-five divided by five is five.

                Five into twenty-five goes five times.

  • 12:3=4:1  : Twelve is to three as (what) four is to one.
  • 22 = 4 : Two squared is four
  • 23 = 8 : Two tripled is eight.
  • 95℉ = ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit
  • 2.3℃ = two point three degrees Celsius( = Centigrade])  

2) hundred, thousand는 복수가 없으나 million은 복수가 있다. (美語엔 없다)

  • hundreds (thousands) of = 수 많은
  • million을 형용사로 쓸 때는 단수로 쓴다.
  • five hundred  /  five thousand  /  five millions
  • hundreds of people  /  five million inhabitants.

3) 서수사

① first, second, third 이외에는 기수에 -th를 붙여 만들며, 원칙적으로 the를 붙여서 읽는다.

  • the first,  the second,  the third,  the fourth,  the fifth,  the last, etc.
  • He was the first president of the university.
  • Do it a second time. (a second time = again)
  • 철자에 주의 : fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, fourteenth, fortieth

② 1월 15일 : Jan. 15  <January (the) fifteen(th)>

③ World War Ⅱ : World War two (the Second World War)

  • a third world war (세계 3차대전)

④ Napoleon Ⅲ : Napoleon the Third

⑤ 분수 읽기 (분자는 기수, 분모는 서수로 쓴다.)

  • = a half,   one half,  a second,  one second  
  • = two thirds
  • = one third
  • = a(one) fourth,  a(one) quarter   
  • = four and two sevenths
  • = two yards and a half
  • = thirty-eight over fifty-seven  (숫자가 두 단위 이상이면 over를 사용)
  • 분수의 수는 그 뒤의 말에 따라 결정된다.
  • Two-thirds of the apples were bad.
  • Two-thirds of the land was uncultivated.
  • one and a half는 단수로 받는다.

4) 배수사

① half,  double,  treble(세배의),  twofold(이중의),  threefold,  three times,  four times

② 배수사는 관사 앞에 온다.

  • I had to pay double the usual price.    
  • I walked for about half an hour last Sunday.
  • 주의 : He returned home after two months and a half.

③ 배수사 : twice (∼ times)  as ∼ as

  • China is about twenty times as large as Korea.

    = China is about twenty times the area of Korea.

  • This is half as large as that.  

    = This is half the size of that.

  • He has twice as much money as I have.
  • This is three times as large as that.

    = This is three times the size of that.

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