프리젠테이션 영어 표현 모음

프리젠테이션 영어 표현 모음



사회자에 대한 예의(Expressing Thanks to a Chairperson)



Thank you.(very much)


  Mr. Chairman

  Madam Chairwoman

  Mr. Thomas




    For your

Kind introduction


Gracious introduction



서두의 인사(Greeting and Signaling the Start)


          Good morning

          Good afternoon

          Good evening



          Ladies and gentlemen






Id like to introduce myself


Let me introduce myself

Im Hiroshi Tanaka


My name is Bill Smith

(and)Im from /with XYZ Co., LTD


Of XYZ Co., Ltd.

환영의 말(Welcome)

Im honored



Im pleased

To be here

To give this presentation

To have opportunity to speak with you

To day


To night

Thank you

For coming here

For attending the meeting

This morning

Id like to welcome


You all

This evening

배경설명(Setting the Scene)

To be concise

To put it briefly

To put it simply

In short

In a sentence

In a nutshell




Sales and profits are down

프리젠테이션 목적(Expressing purpose)

Im here today

My purpose today is

Today, I want

My objective tonight is

My main aim this morning is

My goal this afternoon is



To help you get started




로드 맵(Road Map)


To begin with

To start with



Id like to look at past performance.


I want to analyze current sales.


Im going to present some options.


I shall be recommending a new strategy.





After this(that)



주제로 들어감(Introducing Topics)


(To begin)




Id like to

I want to

Im going to

I shall





This years sales.

The data

I shall be

Im going to be


Looking at

Let me begin by

Let me move on by

Id like to go on by


Going over


Recommending                                 possible solution

의견 발표(Expressing opinions)

We believe

We think

It is our view

My opinion is

I would say

It seems to us

We feel

We tend to feel

It is considered opinion










Your prices are too high.

발표 진행, 되돌아 보기(Moving On and Looking back)

Lets now move on to

I(now)want to go on to

Id(now)like to go on to

This brings me to

This brings us up to

The financial aspects of the problem.

The losses were due to the strike

But I shall come to this later.

Lets look back for a moment to

Lets go back to

Id like to return to

My first diagram

As I said before

As stated before

As stated previously

The situation is serious.




This model

삭제와 승인(Elimination Alternatives)



We rule out

We have decided against

We reject



     Options A



Because of the marginal

Saving it would give us.



We accept

We have chosen

We have selected

We have decided to adopt



      Options B



Because of the clear benefits

It would give us.

권유(Making Recommendations)

We recommend

We would recommend

We urge


      An increase in



This years dividend

We think you should

You ought to

It is recommended you



주제이외의 이야기(Digressing)

Let me digress here

Let me digress here

For a moments.


Id just like to mention in passing


That demand is rising in other areas.

In passing an another matter

One could say it could

be said

Let me get back to

Let me return to

My main point.

What I was saying.

판단의 근거(Justifying Decisions)

Because of

Owing to

Since there is

As a result of

Due to



A rise in demand



We have increased output

Demand is up

For this reason

We have increased output

We have increased output

The reason for this is

A rise in demand.

We have increase output

Because of

비쥬얼의 선택(Choosing Visuals)


Id like you to look at

Please look at

Have a look at

Let me show you

This diagram

This graph

This bar chart

This pie chart

This matrix

This table

This figure

This map

This model



You can see..



You will notice..


If you look at




비주얼 보는 법의 제시(Naming Parts of Visuals)

The vertical axis

The horizontal axis

The curve

The solid line

The broken line

The dotted line








Stands for






Unit cost

The shaded

The unshaded

The dotted




비주얼 의 설명(Explaining Visuals)













Moved erratically


Rose slightly

Fell gradually

Declined gently

Move up steadily

Recovered sharply

Dropped suddenly

Plunged quickly

Increased rapidly

Fell dramatically

Reached a peak




In June



In the final quarries of last






In 1994

After this

Following this



Profit leveled off.



Sales flattened out.

At the beginning of

In the middle of

At the end of

In the first quarter of

This year

Last year


Since then

Since the last quarter

Sales have flattened out.

요약(Summing up)

To sum up then

To summarize

Let me now sum up

Let me now just recap

We must reduce our production costs and become move market-oriented.

We should increase R&D. and introduce new products.

결론 (Concluding)

Id like to conclude

Let me and

Id like to finish



In conclusion



By saying(that)

By reminding you(that)



May I remind you(that)

Id like to say


Time is short and action is necessary.


We need to take some kind of action soon.


Its necessary to do something about this now


질의 응답(Closing the presentation/Organizing the Qs & As session)

Thank you very much

For your attention


Ill take any questions.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

You no doubt have many questions

Im sure you have many questions.

Any more questions ladies and gentlemen?

Are there any(more) questions, ladies and gentlemen?

질문을 받았을 때(Signaling an answer)

Thats an interesting question

Its a good question

If I understood you correctly you asked

Your question was

Thats a good point

질문의 의도(Clarifying a question)

Do you mean

By that, did you mean

What do you mean exactly by

Let me see if I understood the intent of you question

Let me see if I understood correctly

Would you rephrase the question please?

Im sorry, could you repeat that?

Im sorry, could you rephrase that?

단락 짓기(Breaking off)

OK We can discuss this later.

In a nutshell

I really dont think its for me to comment.

Im not in a position to say.


Perhaps we should close here.


Unless there are any more questions.


Perhaps on that note we should end.


At this point. I think we should conclude this meeting.


Thank you

Very much (for your attention).