[날씨] 따라 쓰기

1. 날씨 (The) weather; weather conditions; atmospheric conditions; the elements

2. 좋은 fine[fair,good,beautiful,favorable] weather; a fine [clear] day

3. 나쁜 날씨 bad[foul,nasty,wretched] weather

4. 아주 좋은 날씨 perfect[ideal] weather

5. 온화한 날씨 calm[mild,genial,serene] weather

6. 변덕스러운 날씨 fickle[broken,changeable,unsettled] weather

7. 음산한 날씨 gloomy[oppressive] weather

8. 날씨가 좋으면 If weather permits; weather permitting; If It is fine

9. 날씨가 좋건 나쁘건 in fair weather or foul; rain or shine; in all weathers; regardless of weather

10. 지금 날씨로는 judging from the Look of the sky

11. 날씨를 보다 read the sky; Look at the weather

12. 날씨를 예보하다 make a weather forecast

13. 날씨를 탓하다 put down ((anything)) to the weather

14. 그는 날씨를 잘 본다 He is weatherwise.

15. 오늘 날씨는 어떠냐 How is the weather today?

16. 좋은 날씨다 It is[we have] fine weather.

17. 날씨가 차차 좋아진다 THe weaTher is changing for the better./the weather is im proving.

18. 비가 올 날씨다 We'll have falling weather./we shall have some rain.

19. 이와 같은 날씨가 오래 계속되지 않을 것이다 This weather will not hold so long.

20. 날씨가 좋으면 오겠다 I will come,But It depends upon the weather.

21. 추운 날씨가 여러 날 계속되고 있다 the weather has been cold for several days.

22. 지금 날씨 같아서는 오후에 비가 올 것 같다 Judging from the sky,we shall have some rain in the afternoon.

23. 요즘 날씨가 변덕스럽다 we have had changeable[fickle] weather lately./the weather is changeable these days.

24. 금방이라도 비가 쏟아질 듯한 날씨다 It is threatening weather./It threatens to rain.

25. 오늘은 봄 날씨 같군요 It is spring weather today,isn't It?

26. 이 날씨가 얼마나 갈까 How long will This weather hold[last]?

27. 날씨가 풀렸다 the weather became warmer.

28. 내일 날씨가 좋을지 궁금하구나 I wonder If We'll have good weather tomorrow.