최신 영어단어를 뉴스레터를 통해 구독이 가능합니다. Wordsmith.Org Welcome to Wordsmith.Org, the home of: A.Word.A.Day: the newsletter discover the magic of words Wordlovers' Library Project free books for libraries worldwide Internet Anagram Server find the wisdom of anagrams The Wordserver lookup services via email Listat a statistical tool for mailing lists 아래는 샘플 메일입니다. This week's theme: There.. 메일링리스트에 가입을 하시면 최신영어단어를 보내줍니다. 샘플은 아래를 참고하세요. This week's theme: words from Yiddish. schmooze, schmoose, or schmoos (shmooz) verb intr. To chat, especially in order to gain an advantage or to make a social or business connection with an influential person. noun A gossipy or ingratiating chat. [From Yiddish shmues (chat, gossip), from Hebrew shemuah (repo..