Korean economy forecast to grow 4.9 percent in H2 ... Uncategorized 2007. 6. 28. Korean economy forecast to grow 4.9 percent in H2 ... The Korean economy is likely to grow 4.9 percent in the second half on the back of rising domestic consumption and exports, a state-run think tank said Wednesday (June 27). Human rights group applauds advance of 'comfort wo... A U.S. House committee's overwhelming support of House Resolution 121 on Tuesday (June 26) was readily applauded by human rights groups around the world. Korea's southernmost resort island inscribed as UN... Natural preservation areas on Korea's southernmost resort island were registered as U.N.-protected heritage sites on Wednesday (June 27), government officials said. 공유하기 게시글 관리 성현스토리 'Uncategorized' 관련 글 더 보기 IAEA to approve procedures for N. Korea's nuclear ... 2007.06.29 더 읽기 'pit bull' = '사납고 거친 사람?!' 2007.06.28 더 읽기 '데이트하다'의 영어 표현들 2007.06.27 더 읽기 IAEA delegation in Pyongyang for talks on reactor ... 2007.06.27 더 읽기