S. Korea to send food aid to N. Korea next week Uncategorized 2007. 7. 11. S. Korea to send food aid to N. Korea next week South Korea is to start sending 50,000 tons of rice aid to North Korea overland next week as part of its promised loan of 400,000 tons of rice aid, officials said Tuesday (July 10). Central bank revises 2007 growth forecast upward Korea's central bank on Tuesday (July 10) revised its annual growth forecast for 2007 upward to 4.5 percent, citing strong exports and a recovery in domestic spending, yet kept its earlier estimate for second-half growth at 4.7 percent. Confident mayor discusses Yeosu's plans for Expo 2... The coun tdown for the selection of the 2012 World Expo host city is now 140 days, and Korea's southwestern port city Yeosu is still running toward the finish. After successfully passing inspection by the Bureau International des Expositions in ... 공유하기 게시글 관리 성현스토리 'Uncategorized' 관련 글 더 보기 강남엄마 vs. 강북엄마, 영어 표현은? 2007.07.11 더 읽기 X², X³등의 지수인 제곱, 세제곱을 영어로 어떻게 표현하나요? 2007.07.11 더 읽기 발음의 원리 30가지만 알면 CNN 뉴스가 들린다. 2007.07.10 더 읽기 반말 생중계, 말실수의 영어 표현은? 2007.07.10 더 읽기