
Comma는 일시중지나 말 하는 사람의 생각이 바뀌었을 때 쓰임. 단어나 화자의 생각을 잘 어울리게 하며 독자가 읽기 쉽게 하며, 구두점 중에서 가장 중요하다고 볼 수 있다.
Commas are used to indicate a pause or a change in thought. Commas are used to keep words and ideas from running together, making our writing easier to read. No other form of punctuation is more important to understand than the comma.


연속된 항목을 구분함.  Items in a Series

Computers of tomorrow will be fun, attractive, and chatty. [words]

Turn your computer on with the sound of your voice, dial your computer when away from home, and hear it read the day's mail out loud. [clauses]


숫자를 보기 쉽게 나눔. To Keep Numbers Clear

By the year 2000, nearly 7,500,000 Americans could be working in their homes on computer-related jobs.


날짜나 주소 쓸 때.In Dates and Addresses

In June our family is moving to 2727 Telluride Avenue, Denver, Colorado 81435, for a year.

In August 1989 my father designed a totally computerized house. July 4, 1995, will be our first day in the new house.


대화를 시작할 때. To Set Off Dialogue

The electronics executive said,

Did you know that computers can now speak with a Texas drawl?


문장이나 말에 끼어 넣는 곳에 씀. To Set Off Interruptions

Computers will definitely become smaller. You can, for example, already buy a lap-top model that will fit in a standard pocket folder.


감탄사를 끼어 넣을 때 씀. To Set Off Interjections

No kidding, you mean computers may be sewn into clothing someday?

Yes, and don't be surprised if that piece of clothing reminds you of your dentist appointment and homework assignments.


직접 대놓고 부를 때 쓰임. In Direct Address

Jill, listen to this. With a touch of a key an interior decorator can change fabrics and wallpaper on her computer screen.

That's nothing, Jack. An architect can design a building on her computer and, by the touch of a key, see how light will fall in different parts of the building.


사람이름이나 지위, 머리글자를 에워싸기에 쓰임. To Enclose Information

Melanie Prokat, M. D., and Gerald Zahn, Ph. D., admitted that they can't program their VCR's. Then Merrick, B., Abrams, J. D., and Hendricks, J., confessed that they were 'VCR illiterate.


두개의 독립절 사이에 쓰임. Between Two Independent Clauses

There will always be a number of steps involved in programming a VCR, but the process will be made easier on new machines. Instructions for each step will be shown on the TV screen.


구와 절을 구분하기 위하여 쓰임. To Separate Clauses and Phrases

In libraries of the future, books will not reside on shelves but on special disks. [long modifying phrase]

After a student calls up a text on a computer screen, he will print the pages he wants to take home and study. [adverb clause]

In tine students will be able to use the library while they sit at computer terminals in their own rooms. [Commas are usually omitted after short introductory phrases, and when the adverb clause follows the independent clause.


형용사를 구분하기 위하여 쓰임. To Separate Adjectives

Many intelligent, will-educated scientists are convinced we will pick up signals from another galaxy around the year 2000.

Is it possible that I will wake up some cold December morning to learn that Earth has been contacted by aliens from outer space?


어구를 문장에 끼워 넣어 쓰기 위하여. To set Off Phrases

English, the language which computers speak worldwide, is also the most widely used language in all fields of science and medicine.


동격을 쓰기 위하여. To Set Off Appositives

Acid rain, a form of pollution caused by burning coal, affects most of North America.


문장의 기본 의미에 불필요한 비 제한적 구와 절을 끼워 넣을 때 쓰임.  Separate Nonrestrictive Phrases and Clauses

Ninety-seven percent of the earth's water supply is contained in our oceans, and 2per-cent is frozen. We get our water from the 1 percent that is left, which comes from the earth's surface of groundwater.