
Comma와 Period의 역할을 같이함. Period자리에 쓰이기도 하고 어떤 때는 comma역할을 하기도 함.  
A semicolon is a cross between a period and a comma. It is sometimes used in place of a period; other times, it serves the same function as a comma.


독립절 둘을 연결하기 위하여 쓰임. To Join two Independent Clauses

My dad bought a robot-operated lawnmower; I was anxious to see the thing work.


독립절을 쓰기 위하여 사용함. To Set Off Independent Clauses

After setting the course by guiding the mower around the perimeter of our lawn, it was set to cut the grass; but when I checked on it later, I discovered that our high-tech work saver had also cut Mrs. Crabb's yard-and all of her flowers.


연결부사를 쓸 때 사용함. Used with Conjunctive Adverbs

I apologized for the robot's slipup; however, Mrs. Crabb continued to scream about careless teenagers and dumb machines.


Comma로 연결 된 문장들을 분리하기 위하여 씀. To Separate Groups Which Contain Commas

Here's a list of things we should be recycling: aluminum cans; cardboard, newspapers, and other paper products; glass bottles, jars, and other glass items.

There are also those items which are still difficult to recycle; Styrofoam cups, plates, and cartons; plastic bags, diapers, and packaging; used tires and chemicals.