우연히 구글 알리미에서 알게된 사이트입니다.
먼저 주소는
국내 거주자에게는 별 효용이 없을 것 같구요. 해외 활동과 관련하여 관심있는
지역의 실시간 날씨를 보고자할 때 유용할 것 같습니다.
블로그에 티커도 달 수 있습니다.
서울 지역을 선택했더니.. 인천지역으로 나오는군요.
Big Weather Sticker II:
Searchable HTML Sticker: |
The most interactive and dynamic Weather Sticker yet. The Searchable HTML Sticker delivers condition, temperature, pressure, and wind information. It tells the time, changes colors depending on weather severity (the blue bar turns red to indicate importance), and allows users to instantly click over to detailed forecast information, radar images, and travel information. Should the weather conditions being reported in this sticker indicate severe weather or weather warnings, the blue bar the top becomes red to draw attention. To top it all off, there's a search box that will let users jump to any location of their choosing. |
Dynamic Minis:
Our new Dynamic Minis are weather stickers with 'pop'. They move, change, or even appear different depending on location, condition, or even moon phase. Check back often to see what new ones we'll come up with! |
If you're looking for that 'gizmo' functionality, then look no further than the miniDial. The little dial constantly moves as the display screen changes data to keep up. miniDial delivers tempereature in fahrenheit and celsius, as well time and local ZIP code. |
The miniWeather2 sticker delivers fahrenheit, celsius and time information and has a changing photo background that indicates condition. |
Static Minis: |
Transparent Minis: |
Sun/Moon Sticker: |
There's more in the sky than just clouds. Find out exactly what will be where with the new Sun/Moon Sticker that give moonrise, moonset, moon phase, sunrise and sunset information as well as current temperature, conditions, and time.
Please Note: If you're wondering why your moon sticker changed on your site - we did it. Wanting to make sure everybody out there gets the latest and the greatest, we swapped the old source images with this new one. We hope you enjoy it. |
| Here by popular demand is a new Sun & Moon Mini sticker, bringing you all the same sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset data as before - but in a smaller package. |
Big Weather Sticker: |
White Background:
Full Size Banner: |
Old Style - observed location
Gizmos: |
Weather Gizmo!
Small Weather Gizmo!
Basic Weather Sticker: |
White Background:
Transparent Background:
Mega Weather Sticker: |
White Background:
Transparent Background:
Small Weather Sticker: |
White Background:
Transparent Background:
Sun & Moon: |
Transparent with White Text
Transparent with Black Text