동사의 시제(Tense)

동사의 시제(Tense)                          

Ⅰ. 동사의 활용

- 동사는 사물의 동작.상태를 나타내는 품사로, 문의 구성상 술어가 되는 핵심 역할을 한다.

- 술어의 역할을 할 때, 원형(Root), 과거형(Past), 과거분사형(Past Participle)의  세 기본형이 있다.

- 이 세 기본형의 변화를 동사의 활용이라고 한다.

1. 현재시제

1) 형식 :

- be, have 동사를 제외한 일반동사는 3인칭 단수에 -s, -es를 붙이는 것 외에는 모두 원형과 같다.

2) 현재시제의 용법

① 현재의 사실.

  • He lives in England.
  • I see he swimming in the pool.

② 현재의 습관적인 동작, 직업, 성격, 능력...

  • I get up at six every morning.
  • He teaches English.
  • He never takes sugar in his coffee.

③ 불변의 진리, 사실, 속담.

  • Two and two make four.
  • The sun rises in the east.
  • The moon shines at night.
  • The earth moves round the sun.
  • Honesty is the best policy.

④ 역사적 현재 : 과거의 사실을 눈앞에 생생하게 표현하는 수사적 용법.

  • In the end Hamlet kills Claudius and avenges his father's death.
  • Caesar crosses the Rubicon and enters Italy.

⑤ 옛사람, 옛날 책에 쓰인 말을 인용할 때 현재형을 씀으로서 생생한 표현이 된다.

  • Dryden says that none but the brave deserve(s) the fair.

    (드라이든이 말하길 용자만이 미인을 얻을 수 있다.)

⑥ 미래시제 대용.

- 왕래발착(往來發着)동사 go, come, start, leave, arrive, depart, meet, return, sail, ride, begin 등

- 미래를 나타내는 부사(구)와 함께 쓰여 현재시제나 현재진행형의 형태로 미래를 나타낸다.

  • He starts (= will start) for seoul tomorrow morning.
  • I am going to Busan tomorrow.

⑦ 시간.조건의 부사절에서 미래 대용 (명사절이나 형용사절에서는 미래 시제를 그대로 쓴다)

  • I will not start if it rains tomorrow. (부사절)
  • I shall be ready when you come back. (부사절)
  • I will go fishing if it is(be) fine tomorrow. (부사절)
  • I don't know if it will rain tomorrow. (명사절)
  • I want to know when he will come back. (명사절)

2. 과거시제의 용법

① 과거의 동작, 상태, 습관, 경험.

  • The hosts met their guests. (동작)
  • He lived with his aunt when he was a boy. (동작)
  • He was rich once. (상태)
  • In those days I got up earlier in the morning. (습관)
  • Did you ever see a giraffe? (경험)
  • World War Ⅱ broke out 1n 1939. (역사적 사실)
  • I used to get up early in the morning.  (used to + VR : 과거의 규칙적 습관)
  • He would often sit up till late at night. (would + VR : 과거의 불규칙적 습관)

② 과거형이 과거완료를 대신하는 경우.

- when, after, till, before, as soon as 등의 접속사는 시간의 전후관계가 명확하므로 과거완료 시제를 쓸 필요가 없음.

  • When I finished (= had finished) the work, I went out.
  • I went out after I finished the work.
  • The train started before I reached the station.

3. 미래시제

단순미래의  경우






I shall ∼

Shall I ∼

You will ∼


You will ∼

Shall you ∼

I shall ∼


He will ∼

Will he ∼

He will ∼


의지미래의  경우





speaker의 의지

hearer의 의지

speaker의 의지


I will ∼

Shall I ∼


You shall ∼


You shall ∼

Will you ∼

I will ∼


He shall ∼

Shall he ∼

Let him ∼

He shall ∼

1) 단순미래

- 인간의 힘으로 좌우할 수 없는 자연현상이나, 능력, 감정, 필요, 성공, 실패, 기대 등과 같이 단순한 미래 사항을 나타내는 경우.

- 미국영어에서는 전부 Will I?,  Will you? 로 통용됨.

① 자연 현상

  • I shall be sixteen years old next year.
  • It will rain tomorrow.

② 능력

  • When shall I be able to speak English well?
  • You will be able to speak English well next year.

③ 감정

  • Shall you not be glad to see him?      
  • I shall be glad to see him.

④ 필요

  • Shall you need so much money when you go abroad for studying?
  • Perhaps I shall need then.

⑤ 성공, 실패, 기대

  • Will he pass the examination?  -- No, he will fail.
  • Shall you meet him tomorrow? -- Perhaps I shall.

⑥ 자연적 결과

  • If I drive the horse too hard, I shall kill him.

2) 의지미래

- 인간의 힘(의지)으로 좌우할 수 있는 미래동작인데, 화자의 의지청자의 의지가 있다.

- 화자(speaker)의 의지 : 말하는 사람이 문의 주어에 대하여 자기의 결심, 욕망 같은 의지를 나타낸다.

  • I will revenge myself on my enemy. (결심)
  • Do as I tell you, or you shall die.  (∼, or I will let you die.) : 위협
  • No man shall take this without my permission. (금지)
  • You shall have a watch on your birthday. (약속)

- 청자(hearer)의 의지 : 의문문에서 질문을 받는 사람의 의지가 되고, 이에 대답을 할 때는 대답을 하는 사람의 의지가 된다.

  • Shall I have it? (= Will you let me have it?)
  • Will you come and help me if possible?
  • Shall he come in?  (= Will you let him come in?)

3) will의 특수용법

① 주어의 강한 의지를 말할 때는 생물.무생물.인칭을 막론하고 will을 쓴다. (주어 자체의 의지는 모두 will을 사용한다.)

  • If you will grant my request, I shall be much obliged to you.
  • She will have her own way in everything.
  • Boys will be boys.  Children will do like children.

② 현재의 습관이나 경향을 말할 때

  • He spends all the money that he has, as students will.
  • She will sometimes sit up all night, poring over novels.
  • Dogs will bark when a stranger comes near them.

4) shall의 특수용법

① 명령.규칙.권위 있는 문서에서는 의지 여하에 관계없이 shall을 쓴다.

  • Article 1 : The Republic of Korea shall be a democratic republic.
  • Article 9 : All citizens shall be equal before the law.

② 예언을 말할 때

  • East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.
  • Ask, and it shall be given you.
  • All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.  (Jespersen)

③ I will보다 더 강한 의지를 나타낼 때는 I shall을 쓴다.

  • I shall punish you severely if you do that again.
  • I shan't do such a foolish thing again.

4. 진행시제

1) 현재진행형 (am, are, is + ∼ing)

  • It is raining now. (현재 진행 중인 동작)
  • He is always grumbling. (습관적인 동작)

- always, constantly, continually 등의 부사가 현재진행형과 함께 쓰이면 반복적인 동작이나 습관 등을 나타냄.

- 미래를 나타내는 부사구와 함께 쓰이면 현재 진행형이 가까운 미래를 나타낼 수 있다. (특히 왕래발착동사의 경우에)

  • We are leaving for Seoul tonight.

- be going to ∼의 용법

    ⓐ The ice is going to crack.(얼음이 방금 깨지려고 한다) = be about to + VR

    ⓑ The party is going to be a great success. (∼할 것이다)

    ⓒ My father is going to buy a new car. (∼할 예정이다)

2) 과거진행형 (was, were + ∼ing)

  • He was reading a novel when I entered the room.
  • He read a novel when I entered the room. (×)
  • I was studying English when you called on me yesterday.

- 과거의 어느 시점에 진행 중인 동작을 나타내므로 과거진행형 사용.

3) 미래진행형 (will, shall + be + ∼ing)

He will be reading a novel when we go to bed.

We'll be thinking of you when we get to Paris.

- when∼은 시간부사절이므로 미래시제 대신 현재시제를 사용.

4) 진행형을 쓰지 않는 동사 (지감소상: 지각, 감정, 소유, 상태 등을 나타내는 동사)

① 존재(be, exist)나 상태(seem, look, appear, resemble) 등을 나타내는 동사.

  • You look much worried.
  • He resembles his father. (○)

    → He is resembling his father.    (×) : 진행형 불가능

    → He resembles with his father.  (×) : resemble은 타동사이므로 with 사용 불가능

    → He is resembled by his father. (×) : 수동태로 사용 불가능

② 지각 (feel, see, smell, hear, taste)을 나타내는 동사.

  • I see her swimming in the pool.

- see가 의지동사로 "구경하다, 면회하다"의 뜻일 때, hear가 "청강하다"의 뜻일 땐 진행형 가능.

- look at과 listen to는 의지동사이므로 진행형이 가능

  • They are hearing lectures.
  • I am seeing the sights of Seoul.

③ 소유 (have, belong, possess, own)를 나타내는 동사.

- have가 소유의 뜻이 아닌 다른 의미로 쓰이면 진행형이 가능하다.

- belong to는 『∼속하다, ∼의 소유이다』의 뜻이므로 진행형을 쓸 수 없음.

  • I have some money with me. (○)

    → I am having some money with me. (×)

  • He is having breakfast. (○)
  • This house belongs to me.

5. 현재완료 (have + pp)

과거완료의 영역    현재완료의 영역      미래완료의 영역

  (had+p.p)           (have + p.p)      (will(shall) + have + p.p)

-----------------------------------------------------→ time
       ↑                    ↑                  ↑                     ↑
   대과거               과거              현재                 미래

- 현재완료는 현재에 있어서의 동작의 완료, 현재까지의 경험, 과거 동작이 현재에 미치는 결과, 현재까지의 동작이나 상태의 계속을 나타낸다.

1) 완료

★ 과거의 어느 한 시점부터 시작된 동작이 현재에 와서 완료됨을 표현.

★ 주로 just, already, today, this year, recently, not yet, by this time등과 함께 사용된다.

  • I have just read the book through.
  • I have already finished my work.
  • Twenty years have gone by since then.
  • Spring has come. (봄이 왔다.) : 동작

    Spring is come. (봄이 왔다.) : 상태

★ 과거를 나타내는 ago, yesterday, then, last, when, just now 등과 함께 쓸 수 없음.

  • When have you read the book through? (×)

    When did you read the book through?  (○)

  • I have read the book yesterday. (×)

    I read the book yesterday. (○)

★ yet는 의문문, 부정문에 사용되며, already는 긍정문에 쓰인다.

  • Has the bell rung yet? (종이 벌써 울렸니?)
  • No, it has not rung yet. (아직 안 울렸다.)
  • Yes, it has rung already. (벌써 울렸다.)

★ already가 의문문에 사용되면 놀람을 나타낸다.

  • Has he left here already ?

★ just, now는 현재완료와 함께 사용하나, just now는 반드시 과거시제와 함께 사용

  • He has just come back home.   (○)

    → He came home just now.     (○)

    → He has come home just now. (×)

2) 결과

  • She has bought a new car. (과거에 사서 지금도 가지고 있다)

    = She bought a new car and has it now.

  • I have lost my watch. (=Now I have no watch.)
  • Thousand books have been written about Korea.
  • He has gone out for a walk. (=He is not at home now.)

★ have gone (to)는 1, 2인칭에는 사용하지 못함.

  • I have gone to the station. (×)
  • You have gone to London. (×)

3) 경험

- 현재완료시제인 have + p.p가 과거 어느 때부터 지금까지의 경험을 나타낼 때

- ever, never, once, before, seldom, sometimes, often 등과 함께 쓰임.

  • Have you ever seen a tiger?
  • I have never seen a whale.
  • I have been to the station to see my friend off. (have been to: ∼에 갔다왔다)
  • Have you ever been in Busan?

4) 계속

- 주로 since, for 등과 함께 사용.

- 상태의 계속 : 현재완료  『have + p.p』

- 동작의 계속 : 현재완료 진행형  『have been + ∼ing』

  • I have known him since I was a child.
  • He has been ill for several days.
  • We have been living in Seoul these four years.
  • What have you been doing all this while?
  • He has been dead for seven years.

    = It is seven years since he died.

    = Seven years have passed since he died.

    = He died seven years ago.

  • I have known her since she was a child. (○) - 상태의 계속.

    → I have been knowing her since she was a child. (×)

  • He has been studying English for ten years. (○) - 동작의 계속.

★ 구어에서는 종종 have got이 완료의 뜻 없이 have의 의미로 사용될 때가 있다.

  • Have you got a pen?   --- Yes, I have got one.
  • You have got to do this.  (=You have to do this.)

5) 부사절에서 현재완료는 미래완료의 대용이며, 완료의 뜻을 강조한다.

  • I'll lend you the book as soon as I have done with it.

6) 최상급의 의미를 강조하기 위한 현재완료

  • He is the greatest poet that has ever lived. (비교급편 참조)

6. 과거완료 (had + p.p)

- 과거완료의 기준 점은 과거의 어느 정해진 때이다.

- 과거의 어느 일정한 때를 기준으로 해서, 그 때까지의 동작과 상태의 완료.경험.결과.계속을 나타냄

1) 완료

  • They had arrived at the house before night fell.
  • I had already finished the work when(before) he came.
  • When I entered the classroom, the lesson had already started.

2) 결과

  • Spring had come by the time she was well again. (결과)
  • When I reached the station, the train had already started.
  • When I bought a house, he had already bought a building.

3) 경험

  • I recognized Mrs. Brown at once, for I had seen her several times before.
  • I spoke to her whom I had never met before.

4) 계속 : 상태의 계속 - had + p.p. / 동작의 계속 - had been + ∼ing

  • He had lived there for ten years when his mother died.
  • I had been waiting for an hour when he returned.
  • The river was swollen, for it had rained for three days.

5) no sooner ∼ than, hardly (scarcely) ∼ when(before) 은 과거완료를 쓰며, 주어가 도치된다.

- as soon as는 통상 과거로 쓴다.

  • No sooner had they seen a policeman come than they ran away.

    =As soon as they saw a policeman come, they ran away.

  • Hardly had the plane taken off before it began to blow hard.

6) 소망동사와 과거완료

- expect, intend, want, desire, hope, think, mean, suppose가 과거완료에 쓰이면 이루지 못한 사실을 나타냄

  • We had hoped that we should be able to call on you.

7. 미래완료 (will 또는 shall + have + p.p.)

- 미래의 어느 일정한 때를 기준으로 해서, 그 때까지의 동작과 상태의 완료, 경험, 결과, 계속 등을 나타냄

1) 완료

  • I shall have finished the work by the time you come.

- by the time은 시간의 부사절이므로 미래시제 will come 대신 현재시제 come을 사용.

2) 결과

  • When you wake, these fancies will have gone.
  • She will have been married in ten years.

3) 경험

  • I shall have read the poem three times if I read it again.
  • If I read Hamlet once more, I shall have read it five times.
  • If he goes go England again, he will have been there twice.

4) 계속 : 상태의 계속 - will(shall) have + p.p.

            동작의 계속 - will(shall) have + p.p. + ∼ing.

  • He will have been in hospital for two weeks by next Sunday.
  • I shall have been reading this novel by noon.
  • He will have lived here for full ten years by April next.
  • He will have been teaching in this school for full ten years by March next.

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