명 사
- Uncategorized
- 2006. 7. 8.
명 사
| 셀수있는 | 보통명사 | book, pen, country etc |
| 명사 | 집합명사 | family, nation,class etc |
| 셀수없는 | 고유명사 | Seoul, Tom, Korea etc |
| 명사 | 물질명사 | milk, butter, money etc |
| | 추상명사 | beauty, love, pride etc |
셀수있는명사 : 원칙적으로 관사나 관사상당 어귀를 붙이며 단수 복수 있음.
셀수없는명사 : 원칙적으로 부정관사를 못붙이며,단수로만 쓴다.
특정한 것을 가르키는 경우 the를 붙임.(한정의 the)
The water of this well is clear.
He has the wisdom of Solomon.
1. 보통명사 ☞ ★ 종족대표
| 종족대표 : a(n) + 단수보통명사 (구어) |
| = the + 단수보통명사 (문어) |
| = 복수보통명사 (구어) |
A horse is a useful animal.
= The horse is a useful animal.
= Horses are useful animals.
2. 집합명사 : 개체가 모여 하나의 집합체를 형성하는 명사.
A) family 형 집합명사
| 종류 | 내용 | 형 태 | 동 사 |대명사 |
| 집합명사| 전체중심 |단,복수 사용| 단,복수동사, |it,they |
| 군집명사| 개체중심 | 단수사용 | 복수동사 | they |
☞ family, class, audience, committee,team,crew,jury, - -
1. His family ( is,are) very large.
2. His family (is,are) all well.
3. There are three (family,families) in this house.
B) police 형 집합명사
☞ ※ the와 함께 항상 복수 취급 (부정관사 못 붙임),특수계층
| 전 체 | 개 인 | 복 수 |
| the police | a policeman | policemen |
| the nobility | a nobleman | noblemen |
| the aristocracy | an aristocrat | aristocrats |
| the gentry | a gentleman | gentlemen |
| the clergy | a clergyman | clergymen |
| the peasantry | a peasant | peasants |
| the gang | a gangster | gangsters |
C) Cattle 형 집합명사
☞ ※ 그대로 복수 취급, 부정관사 또는 복수어미 못 붙임
☞ people, poultry(가금) ,cattle(소떼), vermin(해충),
☆★ | people ① 사람들(복수) ② a people : 한 민족 ③ peoples : 민족들 |
① Were there many people at the meeting ?
② The Korean are a diligent people.
③ There are many peoples in Asia.
D) 집합적 물질명사 (☞ 물질명사와 같이 취급)
+----------------------------------------------------+ U.N C.N
| ① 부정관사 못 붙임 | poetry - poem
| ② 항상 단수 | cf scenery - scene
| ③ much, little로 양 표시 | machinery
| ④ 수량 셀 때 보조수사 사용 | - machine
| a piece of , an article of, various kinds of etc | ancestry
+----------------------------------------------------+ - ancestor
☞ furniture (가구), clothing (의류), jewelry (보석류), stationery(문방구류)
machinery (기계류), merchandise(상품), produce(농산물), game(사냥감)
| 명사의 전용 |
1. 고유명사의 보통명사화 ☞ +--------------------+
+---------------------------------------------------+ |① 관사 + 고유명사 |
| 1) - - 과 같은 { 성질, 특질의 사람. 지명} | |② 고유명사 + (e)s |
| 2) 동일한 고유명사의 다수 | +--------------------+
| 3) - - 라는 사람 (a certain) |
| 4) 가문의 일원 |
| 5) - - 의 작품, 제품 |
1) He is an Edison. (= a great inventor like Edison)
He is the Edison of the age. (당대의 에디슨이다)
2) There are three Johnsons in my class.
3) A Mr. Smith came to see you this morning.
4) She was a Jones before she married Bill.
= a member of the Jones family
5) This is a genuine Rodin.
He bought a Volvo.
2. 추상명사의 보통명사화
|{추상명사 + (e)s}, 또는 {관사 + 추상명사} 가 보통명사가 되어 |
| ① 구체적 행위 |
| ② 추상명사의 뜻을 갖는 개체 |
| ③ 구체적 사람[사물] 등을 나타냄 |
① He did me a kindness. (= a kind act)
② I have a surprise for you.
③ She was once a beauty.
3.물질명사의 보통명사화
| { 관사 + 물질명사 } 또는 {물질명사 + (e)s} 가 |
| ① 제품 ② 개체,단위,부분 ③ 종류 ④ 구체적인 사건 |
| 등을 나타냄. |
① He has a glass in his hand.
② I throw a stone.
③ They sell various teas and tobaccos in that store.
④ There was a fire last night.
a heavy snow, a heavy rain
4.보통명사의 추상명사화 : the + 보통명사
★ | the + 단수보통명사 = 추상명사 |
He felt the patriot rise within himself.(=patriotism)
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.(childhood, death)
| the man (성년,남자다운 기질) the friend |
| the poet the eye (시력) |
| the mother the head (지력) |
| the father the ear |
| the heart (감정,애정) the judge (판사의 직분) |
| the plough (농업) the diplomat(외교관의 자질) |
| ☞ 보통명사 + of a - - { 와 같은 - -} (형용사 처럼 해석) |
an angel of a girl, a lamb of a girl
a devil of a wife a pig of a fellow
a brute of a husband a mountain of waves
a swan of a hat a palace of a house
a saint of a man
4. 물질명사의 수량 표시
| 1. 수 표현 : [계측 단위명사(보조수사) + of + 물질명사] |
| 2. 양 표현 : a lot of ∼, a great deal of ∼, lots of ∼, |
| much ∼, little ∼ |
1. He asked for a cup of tea [coffee] ?
There are several loaves of bread on the table.
2. She drinks much [ a lot of] water everyday.
There is a little water.
※ 밑줄에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
a ________ of chalk two _______ of milk
a ________ of water two _______ of soap
a ________ of rain three ______ of paper
5. 무생물 주어 구문
☞ 무생물 주어를 부사화하여 의역한다.
A closer examination of it will reveal the fact.
= If you examine it more closely,it will reveal the fact.
Five minutes' walk brought him to the station.
= After five minutes' walk, he came to the station.
| 명 사 의 수 |
1. 규칙적 복수
1) 단수어미 + S
| [s] book → books cat → cats student → students |
| [z] dog → dogs hill → hills star → stars |
☞ | 장모음, 이중모음 + ths → [ z ] |
| 단모음, 자음 + ths → [ s ] |
mouth → mouths [ ] faith → faiths [ ]
month → months [ ] myth → myths [ ]
2) 단수어미 + es
| ① 어미가 / s, z, , , t , d / 로 끝날 때 -es [ - iz ] |
| ② [자음 + y] → - ies |
| ③ [자음 + o ] → - es |
| ④ 문자,숫자,기호,약자,인용어 + 'S |
| ⑤ - f, - fe → ves [- vz] |
① class → fox → bus →
dish → church → quiz →
☞ ★ | house [ ] → houses [ ] |
| - ch 가 [- k ]로 발음 될 때 - S [ - s] |
| stomachs [ ],monarchs [ ], patriarchs [ ]|
② baby → family → city → ☞ mustache [ ]
③ hero → potato → negro →
☞| ˚ [모음 + O ] → - S |
| studio bamboo radio cuckoo |
| ˚ 약자에는 -S 만 |
| photo piano dynamo |
④ The three R's mean reading,writing, arithmetic.
There are three 9's in 999.
There are two MP's.
I don't want any " I'm afraid's".
⑤ wolf → leaf → half → thief → wife →
예외 ) belief → roof → chief → cliff → safe →
2. 불규칙적 복수
1) 모음을 바꾸거나 - en 붙이는 것.
man → woman → foot → tooth →
goose → louse → ox → mouse →
2) 단수,복수 동형
sheep carp (잉어) foot(보병) Japanese
swine salmon(연어) horse (기병) Portuguese
deer fish corps[ ] Swiss
★ 3) 복합명사의 복수
| ⊙ 중요한 명사에 - S |
| passer - by → father - in - law → |
| ⊙ 명사를 포함 하지 않을 시, 어미를 복수로 |
| forget - me - not → |
| ⊙ man, woman으로 시작 할 때 , 양쪽을 복수로 |
| man - servant → woman - driver → |
☆ 4) 상호복수 - 상호관계나 교환을 나타내는 경우 복수명사 사용
① I want to make friends with him.
② You have to change trains for Suwon at Guro.
③ He wanted to shake hands with me .
④ I exchanged seats with her.
⑤ He is on good terms with me.
5) 외래어 복수
| ⊙ um → a [ ] : datum data |
| ⊙ us → i [ai] : stimulus |
| ⊙ on → a [ ] : phenomenon |
| ⊙ a → ae [i:] : formula |
| ⊙ sis → ses[si:z]: oasis[- sis] → oases [- si:z] |
☆ 5) 복수어미 생략
| ⓐ 수사 + 단수명사 + 명사 : 단수명사가 형용사 역할 |
| +----------↑ |
| ⓑ dozen,score,couple,head,pair(s) 등의 명사가 복수수사 뒤에 올 때 |
ⓐ a five - dollars bill (×) cf) arms - room (○) (무기고)
a five - dollar bill (○) arm - room (×)
a two - stars general (×)
a two - star general (○)
ⓑ two dozen eggs fifty head of cattle
two hundred men two pair(s) of shoes
☞ 막연히 많음을 나타 낼 때는 dozens of, scores of hundreds of
Hundreds of people attended the meeting.
| 소 유 격 |
1. 소유격의 형태
① 생물 : {어미 + 'S}
wife - wife's Tom - Tom's
② 무생물 : { of + 명사}
this desk's legs (×) , the legs of the desk (○)
2. 시간, 거리, 무게, 가격,의인화 ('S)
| ① 시간 : today's paper, ten minutes' walk |
| ② 거리 : a mile's distance |
| ③ 무게 : three pounds' weight |
| ④ 가격 : a dollar's worth |
| ⑤ 의인화: Nature's smile, Korea's victory |
3. 소유격의 용법
① 소유 : Jane's book
② 목적 : Ceasar's muderers
③ 주격 : his death
④ 동격 : the city of Seoul
⑤ 대상 : a girls' school (= a school for girls)
4. 고유명사는 - S 로 끝나도 'S 붙임
St. James's Palace Dickens's novel
예외) Socrates' death Jejus' teachings
Columbus' discovery Moses' laws
☞ - s's [- ziz]
5.독립소유격 (소유격다음의 명사 생략)
① 명사의 중복 피함
This book is Tom's (book)
② 's + (건물에 관한 명사) : house, shop, store, office, church, temple
cathedral, palace, hospital
I spent my last Christmas at my uncle's(house).
6. 이중소유격
한정사 | a,an,the, this,that,these,those,what,whose,which,no,one, |
| some,any,other,another,each,every,either,neither,my,our, |
| your,his,her,its,their |
| 독립소유격 (=소유격명사, father's - - ) |
|한개의 한정사 + 명사 + of + 소유대명사 (mine,ours, his,hers - - ) |
| 재귀대명사의 소유격(my own, his own - -)|
☞ 1) 하나의 명사는 하나의 한정사를 가진다.
2) 한정사와 소유격이 같이 쓰일때는 소유격은 of 뒤에 둠.
3) 위의 한정사는 소유격보통명사('s) 앞에는 올수 있으나 뒤에는 올수 없다.
some friends of my father's (○)
① I met my father's some friends (×) yesterday.
some of my father's friends (○)
a car of my own. (○)
② I'd like to have
my own a car. (×)
③ (○) Which brother of Tom's
is living with the parents ?
(×) Tom's which brother
④ (○) No friends of John's
attended the meeting.
(×) John's no friends
⑤ My brother's wife = the wife of my brother
my father's.
cf) This is a picture of
my father.
7. 공동소유와 개별소유
| ⓐ Tom and Bill's bicycle (공동소유: 단수) |
| ⓑ Tom's and Bill's bicycles (개별소유 : 복수) |
8. 복합명사및 하나로 묶어진 어군의 소유격 ; 최후의 단어에 - 's
My father - in - law's house
somebody else's hat
9. 소유격의 관용적 용법
| God's |
| heaven's |
| ① for pity's sake (부디, 제발) |
| mercy's |
| goodness' |
| ② by a hair's breadth (위기 일발로) |
| ③ within(at) a stone's throw (근거리) |
| ④ at one's finger's end (- - 에 정통하여) |
| ⑤ at one's wits'(wit's) end = at a loss(당황하여)|
| ⑥ to one's heart's content (마음껏) |
① For goodness' sake, stop arguing.
② The tough guy escaped death by a hair's breadth.
③ My school is within a stone's throw from here.
④ He has English at his fingers' ends.
⑤ I was at my wit's end to find a way.
⑥ He enjoyed himself to his heart's content.
| 셀수있는 | 보통명사 | book, pen, country etc |
| 명사 | 집합명사 | family, nation,class etc |
| 셀수없는 | 고유명사 | Seoul, Tom, Korea etc |
| 명사 | 물질명사 | milk, butter, money etc |
| | 추상명사 | beauty, love, pride etc |
셀수있는명사 : 원칙적으로 관사나 관사상당 어귀를 붙이며 단수 복수 있음.
셀수없는명사 : 원칙적으로 부정관사를 못붙이며,단수로만 쓴다.
특정한 것을 가르키는 경우 the를 붙임.(한정의 the)
The water of this well is clear.
He has the wisdom of Solomon.
1. 보통명사 ☞ ★ 종족대표
| 종족대표 : a(n) + 단수보통명사 (구어) |
| = the + 단수보통명사 (문어) |
| = 복수보통명사 (구어) |
A horse is a useful animal.
= The horse is a useful animal.
= Horses are useful animals.
2. 집합명사 : 개체가 모여 하나의 집합체를 형성하는 명사.
A) family 형 집합명사
| 종류 | 내용 | 형 태 | 동 사 |대명사 |
| 집합명사| 전체중심 |단,복수 사용| 단,복수동사, |it,they |
| 군집명사| 개체중심 | 단수사용 | 복수동사 | they |
☞ family, class, audience, committee,team,crew,jury, - -
1. His family ( is,are) very large.
2. His family (is,are) all well.
3. There are three (family,families) in this house.
B) police 형 집합명사
☞ ※ the와 함께 항상 복수 취급 (부정관사 못 붙임),특수계층
| 전 체 | 개 인 | 복 수 |
| the police | a policeman | policemen |
| the nobility | a nobleman | noblemen |
| the aristocracy | an aristocrat | aristocrats |
| the gentry | a gentleman | gentlemen |
| the clergy | a clergyman | clergymen |
| the peasantry | a peasant | peasants |
| the gang | a gangster | gangsters |
C) Cattle 형 집합명사
☞ ※ 그대로 복수 취급, 부정관사 또는 복수어미 못 붙임
☞ people, poultry(가금) ,cattle(소떼), vermin(해충),
☆★ | people ① 사람들(복수) ② a people : 한 민족 ③ peoples : 민족들 |
① Were there many people at the meeting ?
② The Korean are a diligent people.
③ There are many peoples in Asia.
D) 집합적 물질명사 (☞ 물질명사와 같이 취급)
+----------------------------------------------------+ U.N C.N
| ① 부정관사 못 붙임 | poetry - poem
| ② 항상 단수 | cf scenery - scene
| ③ much, little로 양 표시 | machinery
| ④ 수량 셀 때 보조수사 사용 | - machine
| a piece of , an article of, various kinds of etc | ancestry
+----------------------------------------------------+ - ancestor
☞ furniture (가구), clothing (의류), jewelry (보석류), stationery(문방구류)
machinery (기계류), merchandise(상품), produce(농산물), game(사냥감)
| 명사의 전용 |
1. 고유명사의 보통명사화 ☞ +--------------------+
+---------------------------------------------------+ |① 관사 + 고유명사 |
| 1) - - 과 같은 { 성질, 특질의 사람. 지명} | |② 고유명사 + (e)s |
| 2) 동일한 고유명사의 다수 | +--------------------+
| 3) - - 라는 사람 (a certain) |
| 4) 가문의 일원 |
| 5) - - 의 작품, 제품 |
1) He is an Edison. (= a great inventor like Edison)
He is the Edison of the age. (당대의 에디슨이다)
2) There are three Johnsons in my class.
3) A Mr. Smith came to see you this morning.
4) She was a Jones before she married Bill.
= a member of the Jones family
5) This is a genuine Rodin.
He bought a Volvo.
2. 추상명사의 보통명사화
|{추상명사 + (e)s}, 또는 {관사 + 추상명사} 가 보통명사가 되어 |
| ① 구체적 행위 |
| ② 추상명사의 뜻을 갖는 개체 |
| ③ 구체적 사람[사물] 등을 나타냄 |
① He did me a kindness. (= a kind act)
② I have a surprise for you.
③ She was once a beauty.
3.물질명사의 보통명사화
| { 관사 + 물질명사 } 또는 {물질명사 + (e)s} 가 |
| ① 제품 ② 개체,단위,부분 ③ 종류 ④ 구체적인 사건 |
| 등을 나타냄. |
① He has a glass in his hand.
② I throw a stone.
③ They sell various teas and tobaccos in that store.
④ There was a fire last night.
a heavy snow, a heavy rain
4.보통명사의 추상명사화 : the + 보통명사
★ | the + 단수보통명사 = 추상명사 |
He felt the patriot rise within himself.(=patriotism)
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.(childhood, death)
| the man (성년,남자다운 기질) the friend |
| the poet the eye (시력) |
| the mother the head (지력) |
| the father the ear |
| the heart (감정,애정) the judge (판사의 직분) |
| the plough (농업) the diplomat(외교관의 자질) |
| ☞ 보통명사 + of a - - { 와 같은 - -} (형용사 처럼 해석) |
an angel of a girl, a lamb of a girl
a devil of a wife a pig of a fellow
a brute of a husband a mountain of waves
a swan of a hat a palace of a house
a saint of a man
4. 물질명사의 수량 표시
| 1. 수 표현 : [계측 단위명사(보조수사) + of + 물질명사] |
| 2. 양 표현 : a lot of ∼, a great deal of ∼, lots of ∼, |
| much ∼, little ∼ |
1. He asked for a cup of tea [coffee] ?
There are several loaves of bread on the table.
2. She drinks much [ a lot of] water everyday.
There is a little water.
※ 밑줄에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
a ________ of chalk two _______ of milk
a ________ of water two _______ of soap
a ________ of rain three ______ of paper
5. 무생물 주어 구문
☞ 무생물 주어를 부사화하여 의역한다.
A closer examination of it will reveal the fact.
= If you examine it more closely,it will reveal the fact.
Five minutes' walk brought him to the station.
= After five minutes' walk, he came to the station.
| 명 사 의 수 |
1. 규칙적 복수
1) 단수어미 + S
| [s] book → books cat → cats student → students |
| [z] dog → dogs hill → hills star → stars |
☞ | 장모음, 이중모음 + ths → [ z ] |
| 단모음, 자음 + ths → [ s ] |
mouth → mouths [ ] faith → faiths [ ]
month → months [ ] myth → myths [ ]
2) 단수어미 + es
| ① 어미가 / s, z, , , t , d / 로 끝날 때 -es [ - iz ] |
| ② [자음 + y] → - ies |
| ③ [자음 + o ] → - es |
| ④ 문자,숫자,기호,약자,인용어 + 'S |
| ⑤ - f, - fe → ves [- vz] |
① class → fox → bus →
dish → church → quiz →
☞ ★ | house [ ] → houses [ ] |
| - ch 가 [- k ]로 발음 될 때 - S [ - s] |
| stomachs [ ],monarchs [ ], patriarchs [ ]|
② baby → family → city → ☞ mustache [ ]
③ hero → potato → negro →
☞| ˚ [모음 + O ] → - S |
| studio bamboo radio cuckoo |
| ˚ 약자에는 -S 만 |
| photo piano dynamo |
④ The three R's mean reading,writing, arithmetic.
There are three 9's in 999.
There are two MP's.
I don't want any " I'm afraid's".
⑤ wolf → leaf → half → thief → wife →
예외 ) belief → roof → chief → cliff → safe →
2. 불규칙적 복수
1) 모음을 바꾸거나 - en 붙이는 것.
man → woman → foot → tooth →
goose → louse → ox → mouse →
2) 단수,복수 동형
sheep carp (잉어) foot(보병) Japanese
swine salmon(연어) horse (기병) Portuguese
deer fish corps[ ] Swiss
★ 3) 복합명사의 복수
| ⊙ 중요한 명사에 - S |
| passer - by → father - in - law → |
| ⊙ 명사를 포함 하지 않을 시, 어미를 복수로 |
| forget - me - not → |
| ⊙ man, woman으로 시작 할 때 , 양쪽을 복수로 |
| man - servant → woman - driver → |
☆ 4) 상호복수 - 상호관계나 교환을 나타내는 경우 복수명사 사용
① I want to make friends with him.
② You have to change trains for Suwon at Guro.
③ He wanted to shake hands with me .
④ I exchanged seats with her.
⑤ He is on good terms with me.
5) 외래어 복수
| ⊙ um → a [ ] : datum data |
| ⊙ us → i [ai] : stimulus |
| ⊙ on → a [ ] : phenomenon |
| ⊙ a → ae [i:] : formula |
| ⊙ sis → ses[si:z]: oasis[- sis] → oases [- si:z] |
☆ 5) 복수어미 생략
| ⓐ 수사 + 단수명사 + 명사 : 단수명사가 형용사 역할 |
| +----------↑ |
| ⓑ dozen,score,couple,head,pair(s) 등의 명사가 복수수사 뒤에 올 때 |
ⓐ a five - dollars bill (×) cf) arms - room (○) (무기고)
a five - dollar bill (○) arm - room (×)
a two - stars general (×)
a two - star general (○)
ⓑ two dozen eggs fifty head of cattle
two hundred men two pair(s) of shoes
☞ 막연히 많음을 나타 낼 때는 dozens of, scores of hundreds of
Hundreds of people attended the meeting.
| 소 유 격 |
1. 소유격의 형태
① 생물 : {어미 + 'S}
wife - wife's Tom - Tom's
② 무생물 : { of + 명사}
this desk's legs (×) , the legs of the desk (○)
2. 시간, 거리, 무게, 가격,의인화 ('S)
| ① 시간 : today's paper, ten minutes' walk |
| ② 거리 : a mile's distance |
| ③ 무게 : three pounds' weight |
| ④ 가격 : a dollar's worth |
| ⑤ 의인화: Nature's smile, Korea's victory |
3. 소유격의 용법
① 소유 : Jane's book
② 목적 : Ceasar's muderers
③ 주격 : his death
④ 동격 : the city of Seoul
⑤ 대상 : a girls' school (= a school for girls)
4. 고유명사는 - S 로 끝나도 'S 붙임
St. James's Palace Dickens's novel
예외) Socrates' death Jejus' teachings
Columbus' discovery Moses' laws
☞ - s's [- ziz]
5.독립소유격 (소유격다음의 명사 생략)
① 명사의 중복 피함
This book is Tom's (book)
② 's + (건물에 관한 명사) : house, shop, store, office, church, temple
cathedral, palace, hospital
I spent my last Christmas at my uncle's(house).
6. 이중소유격
한정사 | a,an,the, this,that,these,those,what,whose,which,no,one, |
| some,any,other,another,each,every,either,neither,my,our, |
| your,his,her,its,their |
| 독립소유격 (=소유격명사, father's - - ) |
|한개의 한정사 + 명사 + of + 소유대명사 (mine,ours, his,hers - - ) |
| 재귀대명사의 소유격(my own, his own - -)|
☞ 1) 하나의 명사는 하나의 한정사를 가진다.
2) 한정사와 소유격이 같이 쓰일때는 소유격은 of 뒤에 둠.
3) 위의 한정사는 소유격보통명사('s) 앞에는 올수 있으나 뒤에는 올수 없다.
some friends of my father's (○)
① I met my father's some friends (×) yesterday.
some of my father's friends (○)
a car of my own. (○)
② I'd like to have
my own a car. (×)
③ (○) Which brother of Tom's
is living with the parents ?
(×) Tom's which brother
④ (○) No friends of John's
attended the meeting.
(×) John's no friends
⑤ My brother's wife = the wife of my brother
my father's.
cf) This is a picture of
my father.
7. 공동소유와 개별소유
| ⓐ Tom and Bill's bicycle (공동소유: 단수) |
| ⓑ Tom's and Bill's bicycles (개별소유 : 복수) |
8. 복합명사및 하나로 묶어진 어군의 소유격 ; 최후의 단어에 - 's
My father - in - law's house
somebody else's hat
9. 소유격의 관용적 용법
| God's |
| heaven's |
| ① for pity's sake (부디, 제발) |
| mercy's |
| goodness' |
| ② by a hair's breadth (위기 일발로) |
| ③ within(at) a stone's throw (근거리) |
| ④ at one's finger's end (- - 에 정통하여) |
| ⑤ at one's wits'(wit's) end = at a loss(당황하여)|
| ⑥ to one's heart's content (마음껏) |
① For goodness' sake, stop arguing.
② The tough guy escaped death by a hair's breadth.
③ My school is within a stone's throw from here.
④ He has English at his fingers' ends.
⑤ I was at my wit's end to find a way.
⑥ He enjoyed himself to his heart's content.