대 명 사(Pronoun)
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- 2006. 7. 8.
대 명 사(Pronoun)
1. 재귀대명사
| 1. 재귀용법 : 주어의 동작이 주어의 자신에게 돌아온 것.(O)|
| 2. 강조용법 : S,O,C와 동격을 이루며, 강세를 둔다 |
| 3. 관용적용법: [전치사 + 재귀대명사] |
1. Why did you absent yourself from school ?
2. I myself did it.
I saw Mr. Smith himself.
His story was simplicity itself.
★ She is kindness itself.
= She is all kindness.
= She is very kind.
3. 재귀대명사의 관용적 용법
| 1) I have studied English for myself.(without other's help) |
| 2) The door opened of itself (spontaneously) |
| 3) He lives by himself. (alone) |
| 4) He is beside himself with anger.(insane,mad,very upset,crazy) |
| 5) It is good in itself.(essentially, 원래, 그것 자체가) |
| 6) Between ourselves he is a liar.(in secret)[남몰래,우리끼리 얘긴데|
| 7) She became famous in spite of herself.(unconsciously) |
| 8) He has a large room to himself.[- - 을 독점 하다] |
| 9) She came to herself. (become conscious)[정신이 들다] |
| 10) She kept the plan to herself.[혼자만 알고 있다,비밀로 했다] |
| 11) She read the letter to herself. [묵독 했다] |
| 12) He said something to himself.[중얼거렸다] |
| 13) He thought to himself that he wouldn't meet her.[속으로 생각했다]|
| 14) He prides himself on his success.( be proud of,take pride in) |
| 15) Please help yourself.[마음껏 들다] |
| 16) We enjoyed ourselves very much.[즐기다] |
| 17) Make yourself at home.[편히 하십시오] |
| 18) It is no use trying to excuse yourself. [변명하다] |
| 19) He applied himself to the study of English.[- -에 전념하다] |
| 20) I resolved to revenge myself upon my foe.[복수하다, 원수를 갚다] |
2. it의 특별용법
| 1. 앞에서 언급한 단어,구,절 등을 받음. |
| 2. 가주어 진주어 |
| 3. 가목적어 진목적어 |
| 4. 비인칭 주어 ; 날씨,시간,계절,명암,막연한상황 |
| 5. It is - - that - - 강조 |
1. He kindly helped me and I shall never forget it.
He bought a watch and give it to me.
2. To solve this problem is easy.
= It is easy to solve this problem.
3. You will find it difficult to solve the problem.
You will find it pleasant talking with her.
4. It rained hard all night.(날씨)
What time is it now ?
It is summer now.
It is dark in the room.
How is it your father ?
If it were not for water, nothing could live.
5.· I met the girl yesterday.
→ It was I that met the girl yesterday.
· Who opened the box ?
→ Who was it that opened the box ?
· I did not know it until I arrived here .
→ It was not until I arrived here that I knew it .
☞| 가주어와 강조구문의 구별 |
| It + be - - that 을 제거하여 뜻이 통하면 강조구문 |
| 뜻이 통하지 않으면 가주어이다. |
cf) (It was) he (that) broke the window yesterday.
(It was) certain (that) he died in China.
3. 지시대명사
1. This, That ; These , Those
| 1. this : 시간적,공간적,심리적으로 가까운것 |
| that : 시간적,공간적,심리적으로 먼것 |
☆ | 2. this : 앞뒤에나오는 말을 다 가리킬 수 있지만, |
| that : 앞에 나오는 말만을 기리킬 수 있다. |
| 3. that [those] : 명사의 반복을 피하기 위해 쓴다. |
| 4. those가 people[사람들]의 뜻을 갖는 경우, 형용사(구,절)동반 |
| 5. that가 부사적 용법이면 [정도]를 나타냄 |
1. This is larger than that.
2. The difference is this : her shock was greater than his.
He was very late. This [That] delayed us.
3. The climate of Korea is milder than that of England.
4. Those who do not try will never learn.
5. I can't walk that far ! Let's get a taxi !
☞ that의 관용적 표현
You should do your homework and that at once before me.[그것도]
The meeting will be held on June 11,that is (to say), next Monday.
2. Such, Same, So
+--------- such -------------------+
| 1. 단어,구,절을 받는다. |
| 2. such as = like, for example |
| 3. such + a(n) + 형용사 + 명사 |
1. He is a good man and is known as such to everyone.
I may have offended you,but such was not my intention.
2. I like fruits such as apples and pears.
= I like such fruits as apples and pears.
3. He told us such a funny story that we all laughed.
= His story was so funny that we all laughed.
+----------------- so --------------------------------+
| 1. ⓐ so + S + 조동사 [be] : [정말로 그렇다] |
| ⓑ so + 조동사 [be] + S : [또한 그렇다] |
| 2. 대명사 so : tell, say, think 등의 목적어로 사용 |
1. ⓐ They won the championship five years ago. - So they did.
ⓑ I've been to China. - So have I.
2. Will he pass the exam ? - I hope so.
" Is he a poet ? "
" Yes, I think so."
He told me so.
☞ | I hope - - [ - - 를 바란다] ; 바람직스런 일 |
| I am afraid - - [나는 - - 을 유감으로 생각 한다]:좋지않은 일 |
| [안됬지만(미안하지만) - - 라고 여기다.] |
Will our exam be difficult ? - I'm afraid so.
Are you free tonight ? - I'm afraid not.
Can we win the game ? - I hope so.
+------------- the same --------------------+
| 1. the same : 같은 일 [것] |
| 2. the same - - that : 똑같은 것 |
| the same - - as : 같은 종류의 것 |
1. Their ages are the same.
= They are (of) the same age.= They are of an age.
The same is true of you and your family
2. ⓐ This is the same watch that I lost.
ⓑ This is the same watch as I lost .
☞ Happy Christmas ! - (And the) Same to you.
※ same이 대명사로 쓰이면 반드시 정관사 the가 함께 쓰이고
명사 수식하는 형용사로 쓰일 때도 정관사를 붙이는 것이 보통이다
4. 부정대명사
+------------- one ----------------------------------------------+
| 1.일반인: 단수취급, 복수형;ones,소유격;one's, 재귀대명사;oneself |
| 2. ① a + 단수보통명사 (동일 종류) ⇒ One |
| ② the, this, that + 단수보통명사 (동일물) ⇒ it |
| 3. 형용사 다음에 오는 대명사는 one을 씀 |
1. One should obey one's parents.
2. ① I forgot to bring a pen. Can you lend me one ? (one = a pen)
② I bought a pen and I have lost it. (it = the pen)
3. His house is not such a large one.
The problems are hard ones. I prefer an easy one.
☞ a + 명사라도, 낱개를 가르키지 않고 종류 전체를 나타
낼 때는 it 로 받는다.
Do you like a pear ? Yes, I like it.
Do you like pears ? Yes, I like it.
+----------- ★ One을 쓰지 않는 경우 ☆ ------------+
| 1. 셀수없는 명사(물질,추상명사)의 대용으로 안씀 |
| 2. 소유격이나 소유격 + own 뒤에 안씀 |
| ☞ 단 소유격 + 형용사 + one은 가능 |
| 3. 수사 다음에서 안씀 |
| 4. the + 비교급, 최상급 뒤에 안씀. |
1. I like green tea better than black.
cf) I like a red rose better than a white one .
2. This is my one. (×)
This desk is my own one. (×)
This is my new one. (○)
3. He has six books and I have two.
4. I will buy a pen. Is this the best you have ?
He has three sisters; the older is more beautiful than the younger.
+-------------- one,the other ----------------------------------------+
| 1. one ∼ , the other ∼ : 하나는, 나머지 하나는 (순서 없음) |
| 2. the one ∼ , the other ∼ : 전자는, 후자는( 순서 있음) |
| 3. one ∼, another ∼,the other ∼ 셋중 하나씩 순서없이 열거 |
| 4. others : 다른것[사람], 나머지 것[사람] |
| 5.the others : 나머지 전부 |
| 6. one, another, a third (the third) : 많은것 열거할 때,(셋일때) |
1. I have two brothers; one is in Seoul, the other (is) in Pusan.
2. I keep a dog and a cat; I like the one better than the other.
3. I have three sisters;one is in Seoul,anothor (is) in Pusan, the other
(is) in Kwangju.
4. These roses are not so pretty. Show me others.
☞ Some say this ; others say that.
Some are white, others are red, others are blue, the others are black.
5. One is red, another is white,and the third is green.
| 전자 | 후자 |
| the one | the other |
| that | this |
| those | these (복수) |
| the former | the latter |
+----------------- another ---------------------------------+
| 1. Give me another cup of coffee. [하나 더; one more] |
| 2. I don't like this. Show me another. [다른 것] |
| 3. He is a liar, you are another. [역시 마찬가지] |
| 4. To know is one thing and to teach is another.[별개의 것] |
+-------------- both, either, neither -------------+
| 1. both : [둘다(의)] (복수취급) |
| 2. either : [둘중의 어느하나] (단수취급) |
| 3. neither : [(둘중의) 어느 쪽도 아니다](단수취급)| ※ 口語에서 복수가능
1. Both of his parents are dead.
2. Either of you has to go shopping.
3. I like neither of the two books.
= I don't like either of the two books.
+------ ☞ 기타 관련 표현 -------------------------------------+
| ① each other (둘), one another(셋이상)[서로 서로] |
| ※ 실제 구분없이 쓰이기도 함. |
| ② the other day [night,week] 요전날 [요전날 밤, 요전주] |
| ③ every other day = every two days = every second day |
| ④ one way or another [ 어떻게해서 이럭저럭] |
| ⑤ one after another [차례 차례] |
| ⑥ one of these days [머지않아,근간에] |
+----------------- some,any ----------------------------------------+
| ※ any, some은 사람,사물, 단수와 복수, 수와 양에 다 쓰임. |
| 1. some : 긍정문에서 |
| 2. any : 의문문,부정문,조건문에서 씀이 원칙 임 |
| 3. 의문문에서 some을 사용하는 경우 |
| ① 긍정의 답을 예상할 때 |
| ② 권유할 때 |
| ③ 부탁할 때 |
1. I have some books.
2. Do you have any books ?
If you have any money with you, lend me some, please.
3.① Aren't there some money in your pocket ?
② Will you have some coffee ?
③ Could you lend me some money ?
+------------ - one, - body, - thing ----------------------------------+
| ※ some -, any - 가 붙은 합성 대명사는 , some,any의 용법과 같다. |
| ⊙ - body, - thing의 특별한 의미 |
| ① somebody : [중요한 사람[존재]] |
| ② nobody : [하찮은 사람[존재]] |
| ③ nothing : [보잘것 없는 것[사람]] |
| ④ everything : [가장중요한 것] |
① Be somebody in your community.
② He is a nobody .
③ Wealth is nothing without health.
④ You mean everything to me.
+-------------- each, every, all -----------------------------+
| 1. each : 대명사, 형용사,부사 - 단수취급 [ 각자가] |
| 2. every : 형용사 - 단수취급 [각자 모두가] |
| 3. all : 대명사, 형용사,부사 (수) - 복수취급 |
| (모든,모두) (양) - 단수취급 |
| all : (주위사정) - 단수취급 |
1. Each of the students has his own room.
2. Every girl wears a white hat.
3. All of them swim in the river.
All of the money has been spent.
All is still.
+--------------------- none (no one) -------------------------+
| 1. no one = none이지만,no one은 단수동사를 받고 |
| none은 단수동사 복수동사가 다 올 수있다. |
| 2. none of N → N이 보통명사이면 복수,또는 단수 동사 |
| 추상, 물질명사이면 단수동사 |
| 3. none 이 단독으로 쓰이면 오직 사람,복수취급이 원칙 |
1. None know (or knows) it so well as he.
No one knows it better than he.
2. None of them are (is) here.
There is none of the money left.
3. None but fools have ever believed it.
5. 의문대명사
1. who, what, which
| 1. who : 이름,친족관계 표시 |
| 2. what: 신분,직업 관계 표시 또는 막연한 대상 |
| 3. which : 정해진 한정된 범위 내의 것. |
1.Who is he ?
2.What is he ? He is a statesman.
3. Which of them do you want ?
☆★ [얼마(나), 어떤]을 what으로 표현하는 경우
| What nationality are you? |
| What's the population of Korea ? |
| What's the weight of the parcel ? |
| What's the price ? |
| What's your age [height] ? |
| Which와 What의 비교 |
| ① Which는 선택이 정해진 사물이나 사람 범위 내에서 이뤄질 떄 씀 |
| What는 범위가 정해지지 않음. |
| ② Which 뒤에는 of가 올수 있으나 what뒤에는 못옴. |
① Which color do you want, red or blue.?
What color do you want ?
② Which of the books do you like ?
1. 재귀대명사
| 1. 재귀용법 : 주어의 동작이 주어의 자신에게 돌아온 것.(O)|
| 2. 강조용법 : S,O,C와 동격을 이루며, 강세를 둔다 |
| 3. 관용적용법: [전치사 + 재귀대명사] |
1. Why did you absent yourself from school ?
2. I myself did it.
I saw Mr. Smith himself.
His story was simplicity itself.
★ She is kindness itself.
= She is all kindness.
= She is very kind.
3. 재귀대명사의 관용적 용법
| 1) I have studied English for myself.(without other's help) |
| 2) The door opened of itself (spontaneously) |
| 3) He lives by himself. (alone) |
| 4) He is beside himself with anger.(insane,mad,very upset,crazy) |
| 5) It is good in itself.(essentially, 원래, 그것 자체가) |
| 6) Between ourselves he is a liar.(in secret)[남몰래,우리끼리 얘긴데|
| 7) She became famous in spite of herself.(unconsciously) |
| 8) He has a large room to himself.[- - 을 독점 하다] |
| 9) She came to herself. (become conscious)[정신이 들다] |
| 10) She kept the plan to herself.[혼자만 알고 있다,비밀로 했다] |
| 11) She read the letter to herself. [묵독 했다] |
| 12) He said something to himself.[중얼거렸다] |
| 13) He thought to himself that he wouldn't meet her.[속으로 생각했다]|
| 14) He prides himself on his success.( be proud of,take pride in) |
| 15) Please help yourself.[마음껏 들다] |
| 16) We enjoyed ourselves very much.[즐기다] |
| 17) Make yourself at home.[편히 하십시오] |
| 18) It is no use trying to excuse yourself. [변명하다] |
| 19) He applied himself to the study of English.[- -에 전념하다] |
| 20) I resolved to revenge myself upon my foe.[복수하다, 원수를 갚다] |
2. it의 특별용법
| 1. 앞에서 언급한 단어,구,절 등을 받음. |
| 2. 가주어 진주어 |
| 3. 가목적어 진목적어 |
| 4. 비인칭 주어 ; 날씨,시간,계절,명암,막연한상황 |
| 5. It is - - that - - 강조 |
1. He kindly helped me and I shall never forget it.
He bought a watch and give it to me.
2. To solve this problem is easy.
= It is easy to solve this problem.
3. You will find it difficult to solve the problem.
You will find it pleasant talking with her.
4. It rained hard all night.(날씨)
What time is it now ?
It is summer now.
It is dark in the room.
How is it your father ?
If it were not for water, nothing could live.
5.· I met the girl yesterday.
→ It was I that met the girl yesterday.
· Who opened the box ?
→ Who was it that opened the box ?
· I did not know it until I arrived here .
→ It was not until I arrived here that I knew it .
☞| 가주어와 강조구문의 구별 |
| It + be - - that 을 제거하여 뜻이 통하면 강조구문 |
| 뜻이 통하지 않으면 가주어이다. |
cf) (It was) he (that) broke the window yesterday.
(It was) certain (that) he died in China.
3. 지시대명사
1. This, That ; These , Those
| 1. this : 시간적,공간적,심리적으로 가까운것 |
| that : 시간적,공간적,심리적으로 먼것 |
☆ | 2. this : 앞뒤에나오는 말을 다 가리킬 수 있지만, |
| that : 앞에 나오는 말만을 기리킬 수 있다. |
| 3. that [those] : 명사의 반복을 피하기 위해 쓴다. |
| 4. those가 people[사람들]의 뜻을 갖는 경우, 형용사(구,절)동반 |
| 5. that가 부사적 용법이면 [정도]를 나타냄 |
1. This is larger than that.
2. The difference is this : her shock was greater than his.
He was very late. This [That] delayed us.
3. The climate of Korea is milder than that of England.
4. Those who do not try will never learn.
5. I can't walk that far ! Let's get a taxi !
☞ that의 관용적 표현
You should do your homework and that at once before me.[그것도]
The meeting will be held on June 11,that is (to say), next Monday.
2. Such, Same, So
+--------- such -------------------+
| 1. 단어,구,절을 받는다. |
| 2. such as = like, for example |
| 3. such + a(n) + 형용사 + 명사 |
1. He is a good man and is known as such to everyone.
I may have offended you,but such was not my intention.
2. I like fruits such as apples and pears.
= I like such fruits as apples and pears.
3. He told us such a funny story that we all laughed.
= His story was so funny that we all laughed.
+----------------- so --------------------------------+
| 1. ⓐ so + S + 조동사 [be] : [정말로 그렇다] |
| ⓑ so + 조동사 [be] + S : [또한 그렇다] |
| 2. 대명사 so : tell, say, think 등의 목적어로 사용 |
1. ⓐ They won the championship five years ago. - So they did.
ⓑ I've been to China. - So have I.
2. Will he pass the exam ? - I hope so.
" Is he a poet ? "
" Yes, I think so."
He told me so.
☞ | I hope - - [ - - 를 바란다] ; 바람직스런 일 |
| I am afraid - - [나는 - - 을 유감으로 생각 한다]:좋지않은 일 |
| [안됬지만(미안하지만) - - 라고 여기다.] |
Will our exam be difficult ? - I'm afraid so.
Are you free tonight ? - I'm afraid not.
Can we win the game ? - I hope so.
+------------- the same --------------------+
| 1. the same : 같은 일 [것] |
| 2. the same - - that : 똑같은 것 |
| the same - - as : 같은 종류의 것 |
1. Their ages are the same.
= They are (of) the same age.= They are of an age.
The same is true of you and your family
2. ⓐ This is the same watch that I lost.
ⓑ This is the same watch as I lost .
☞ Happy Christmas ! - (And the) Same to you.
※ same이 대명사로 쓰이면 반드시 정관사 the가 함께 쓰이고
명사 수식하는 형용사로 쓰일 때도 정관사를 붙이는 것이 보통이다
4. 부정대명사
+------------- one ----------------------------------------------+
| 1.일반인: 단수취급, 복수형;ones,소유격;one's, 재귀대명사;oneself |
| 2. ① a + 단수보통명사 (동일 종류) ⇒ One |
| ② the, this, that + 단수보통명사 (동일물) ⇒ it |
| 3. 형용사 다음에 오는 대명사는 one을 씀 |
1. One should obey one's parents.
2. ① I forgot to bring a pen. Can you lend me one ? (one = a pen)
② I bought a pen and I have lost it. (it = the pen)
3. His house is not such a large one.
The problems are hard ones. I prefer an easy one.
☞ a + 명사라도, 낱개를 가르키지 않고 종류 전체를 나타
낼 때는 it 로 받는다.
Do you like a pear ? Yes, I like it.
Do you like pears ? Yes, I like it.
+----------- ★ One을 쓰지 않는 경우 ☆ ------------+
| 1. 셀수없는 명사(물질,추상명사)의 대용으로 안씀 |
| 2. 소유격이나 소유격 + own 뒤에 안씀 |
| ☞ 단 소유격 + 형용사 + one은 가능 |
| 3. 수사 다음에서 안씀 |
| 4. the + 비교급, 최상급 뒤에 안씀. |
1. I like green tea better than black.
cf) I like a red rose better than a white one .
2. This is my one. (×)
This desk is my own one. (×)
This is my new one. (○)
3. He has six books and I have two.
4. I will buy a pen. Is this the best you have ?
He has three sisters; the older is more beautiful than the younger.
+-------------- one,the other ----------------------------------------+
| 1. one ∼ , the other ∼ : 하나는, 나머지 하나는 (순서 없음) |
| 2. the one ∼ , the other ∼ : 전자는, 후자는( 순서 있음) |
| 3. one ∼, another ∼,the other ∼ 셋중 하나씩 순서없이 열거 |
| 4. others : 다른것[사람], 나머지 것[사람] |
| 5.the others : 나머지 전부 |
| 6. one, another, a third (the third) : 많은것 열거할 때,(셋일때) |
1. I have two brothers; one is in Seoul, the other (is) in Pusan.
2. I keep a dog and a cat; I like the one better than the other.
3. I have three sisters;one is in Seoul,anothor (is) in Pusan, the other
(is) in Kwangju.
4. These roses are not so pretty. Show me others.
☞ Some say this ; others say that.
Some are white, others are red, others are blue, the others are black.
5. One is red, another is white,and the third is green.
| 전자 | 후자 |
| the one | the other |
| that | this |
| those | these (복수) |
| the former | the latter |
+----------------- another ---------------------------------+
| 1. Give me another cup of coffee. [하나 더; one more] |
| 2. I don't like this. Show me another. [다른 것] |
| 3. He is a liar, you are another. [역시 마찬가지] |
| 4. To know is one thing and to teach is another.[별개의 것] |
+-------------- both, either, neither -------------+
| 1. both : [둘다(의)] (복수취급) |
| 2. either : [둘중의 어느하나] (단수취급) |
| 3. neither : [(둘중의) 어느 쪽도 아니다](단수취급)| ※ 口語에서 복수가능
1. Both of his parents are dead.
2. Either of you has to go shopping.
3. I like neither of the two books.
= I don't like either of the two books.
+------ ☞ 기타 관련 표현 -------------------------------------+
| ① each other (둘), one another(셋이상)[서로 서로] |
| ※ 실제 구분없이 쓰이기도 함. |
| ② the other day [night,week] 요전날 [요전날 밤, 요전주] |
| ③ every other day = every two days = every second day |
| ④ one way or another [ 어떻게해서 이럭저럭] |
| ⑤ one after another [차례 차례] |
| ⑥ one of these days [머지않아,근간에] |
+----------------- some,any ----------------------------------------+
| ※ any, some은 사람,사물, 단수와 복수, 수와 양에 다 쓰임. |
| 1. some : 긍정문에서 |
| 2. any : 의문문,부정문,조건문에서 씀이 원칙 임 |
| 3. 의문문에서 some을 사용하는 경우 |
| ① 긍정의 답을 예상할 때 |
| ② 권유할 때 |
| ③ 부탁할 때 |
1. I have some books.
2. Do you have any books ?
If you have any money with you, lend me some, please.
3.① Aren't there some money in your pocket ?
② Will you have some coffee ?
③ Could you lend me some money ?
+------------ - one, - body, - thing ----------------------------------+
| ※ some -, any - 가 붙은 합성 대명사는 , some,any의 용법과 같다. |
| ⊙ - body, - thing의 특별한 의미 |
| ① somebody : [중요한 사람[존재]] |
| ② nobody : [하찮은 사람[존재]] |
| ③ nothing : [보잘것 없는 것[사람]] |
| ④ everything : [가장중요한 것] |
① Be somebody in your community.
② He is a nobody .
③ Wealth is nothing without health.
④ You mean everything to me.
+-------------- each, every, all -----------------------------+
| 1. each : 대명사, 형용사,부사 - 단수취급 [ 각자가] |
| 2. every : 형용사 - 단수취급 [각자 모두가] |
| 3. all : 대명사, 형용사,부사 (수) - 복수취급 |
| (모든,모두) (양) - 단수취급 |
| all : (주위사정) - 단수취급 |
1. Each of the students has his own room.
2. Every girl wears a white hat.
3. All of them swim in the river.
All of the money has been spent.
All is still.
+--------------------- none (no one) -------------------------+
| 1. no one = none이지만,no one은 단수동사를 받고 |
| none은 단수동사 복수동사가 다 올 수있다. |
| 2. none of N → N이 보통명사이면 복수,또는 단수 동사 |
| 추상, 물질명사이면 단수동사 |
| 3. none 이 단독으로 쓰이면 오직 사람,복수취급이 원칙 |
1. None know (or knows) it so well as he.
No one knows it better than he.
2. None of them are (is) here.
There is none of the money left.
3. None but fools have ever believed it.
5. 의문대명사
1. who, what, which
| 1. who : 이름,친족관계 표시 |
| 2. what: 신분,직업 관계 표시 또는 막연한 대상 |
| 3. which : 정해진 한정된 범위 내의 것. |
1.Who is he ?
2.What is he ? He is a statesman.
3. Which of them do you want ?
☆★ [얼마(나), 어떤]을 what으로 표현하는 경우
| What nationality are you? |
| What's the population of Korea ? |
| What's the weight of the parcel ? |
| What's the price ? |
| What's your age [height] ? |
| Which와 What의 비교 |
| ① Which는 선택이 정해진 사물이나 사람 범위 내에서 이뤄질 떄 씀 |
| What는 범위가 정해지지 않음. |
| ② Which 뒤에는 of가 올수 있으나 what뒤에는 못옴. |
① Which color do you want, red or blue.?
What color do you want ?
② Which of the books do you like ?