영어일기 계절표현(Season) 봄 (spring)



◎ 봄이 되었다. It became spring.

◎ 햇빛이 비쳤다 It was sunny.

◎ 따뜻한 날씨였다. It was warm.

◎ 상쾌한 날씨였다 It was fine.

◎ 날씨가 점점 더워진다. It's getting hotter and hotter.



◎ 더웠다 It was hot.

◎ 구름이 끼어 있었다 It was cloudy.

◎ 안개가 끼었다. It was foggy.

◎ 당장 비가 올 날씨였다 It was threatening.

◎ 날씨가 잘 변하다 The weather is changeable(fickle, capricious).

◎ 비가 왔다 It was rainy.

◎ 날씨가 들었다 It cleared up.

◎ 차차 좋아질 모양이다 It seems that the weather is improving.

◎ 날씨 탓인지 머리가 무거웠다
I felt heavy in the head, probably because of(due to) weather


(fall, autumn)

◎ 좋은 날씨였다 It was very nice day.

◎ 하늘은 맑았다 the sky was clear.

◎ 시원한 날씨였다. It was cool.

◎ 날씨가 추워지다 It becomes cold.

◎ 오늘은 겨울 날씨 같았다 It was winter weather today.

◎ 쌀쌀했다. It was chilly.



◎ 본격적으로 추워졌다 The cold weather has set in / Its really gotten cold.

◎ 추웠다 It was cold.

◎ 바람이 불었다 It was windy.

◎ 서리가 내렸다 It frosted(frost fell).

◎ 얼어붙는 듯한 날씨였다. It was freeze.

◎ 눈이 내렸다 It was snowy.

◎ 밖은 살을 에는 듯이 추웠다 It was bitterly cold outdoors.

◎ 오늘 아침은 몹시 추웠다
- It was awfully cold this morning.
- The temperature dipped very low this morning.