조동사(Auxiliary Verb)
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- 2006. 7. 13.
do, can, may, must | + 동사원형 |
⑴ cannot but + 동사원형 do nothing but + 동사원형
may well + 동사원형 may as well + 동사원형
had better + 동사원형 would rather A than B (A & B는 원형동사)
⑵ connot have + p.p : ∼했을 리가 없다.
may have + p.p : ∼했을 지도 모른다.
must have + p.p : ∼했음에 틀림없다.
should have + p.p : ∼했어야만 했는데...(유감을 나타냄)
⑶ 조동사의 부정
ought not to have + p.p : ∼하지 말았어야 했는데...
had better not + 동사원형
must : 추측 ⇒ must not, cannot
의무 ⇒ don't have to
1. May, Might의 용법
① 허락.
* May I smoke here?
- Yes, you may.
- No, you may (must) not.
② 추측.
* He may be rich.
= It is possible that he is rich. (현재의 추측, may + 원형)
* He may have been rich.
= It is possible that he was rich. (과거의 추측, may have + p.p)
* 가정법 과거완료 = might have + p.p.
* He may meet her. (= It is possible that he meets her.)
(그는 그를 만날지도 모른다; 현재의 추측)
He may have meet her. (= It is possible that he met her.)
(그는 그녀를 과거에 만났을지도 모른다; 과거의 추측)
He might have met her.
= He might have met her, if he had not been busy. (가정법 과거완료)
= He did not meet her, as he was busy. (직설법 과거)
③ 능력.
* Gather roses while you may. (시기를 놓치지 마라)
* A man may be known by his friends.
④ 기타용법.
* Whatever he may do he will not succeed.
No matter what he may do
Do what he will
* He may be called a poet, but he cannot be called a scholar.
* May be rest in peace ! (편히잠드소서!, 기원문)
* Might I ask your mane? (공손)
* He may well say so. (∼하는 것은 당연하다)
= He says so, and well he may.
= He has good reason to say so.
= It is natural that he should say so.
no wonder
a matter of course
not surprising
= I take it for granted that he says so.
◇ may + well + 원형동사: ∼하는 것은 당연하다.
과거: may well have + p.p.
* You may as well begin at once.
might as well |
had better ∼하는게 좋다.
◇ may (might) as well A as B: B하느니 차라리 A하는게 낫다.
실현가능 : may ∼
실현불가능: might ∼
△You may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.
(그것을 불완전하게 아느니, 차라리 전혀 모르는 것이 낫다.)
You might as well reason with the wolf as try to persuade him.
(그를 설득하려고 시도하는 것은 이리를 설득하려는 것과 같다.)
2. Can
① 능력.
* I can speak English. (현재시제 = be able to)
과 거: I was able to speak English.
미 래: I will be able to speak English.
현재완료: I have been able to speak English.
과거완료: I had been able to speak English.
미래완료: I will have been able to speak English.
◇ can의 과거: was able to.
be able to∼의 부정: be unable to∼
be able to는 반드시 사람 주어일 때 만 쓴다.
② 추측, 강한 의혹.
* Who can he be? (도대체 누구일까?) (강한 부정적 추측)
* Can it be true? (도대체 그게 사실일까?) (강한 부정적 추측)
◇ can, cannot 등의 의문, 부정문에서 '도대체 ∼일까, ∼일리가 없다'의 뜻을 나타내어 강한 의혹이나 부정적인 추측을
표현하는데 쓰임.
* He cannot be honest. (현재의 추측, 그는 정직할리가 없다)
= It is impossible that he is honest.
* He cannot have been honest. (과거의 추측)
= It is impossible that he was honest.
◇ cannot이 추측을 나타낼 땐 과거형에 could not을 사용치 않고, 반드시 cannot + have + p.p. 형태를 사용할 것.
③ 기타.
* You can go home now. (허가)
* Could you show me the way to the station? (공손)
* We cannot be too careful of our health.
* We cannot praise him too much. (아무리 ∼해도 지나치지 않다)
④ 관용적 표현(중요함)
cannot ∼ too 아무리 ∼해도 지나치치 않다.
cannot help ∼, cannot but + 원형동사
3. Must
① 필요, 의무 (must + 의지동사)
* You must go there.
= It is necessary that you should go there.
= It is necessary for you to go there.
◇ must의 부정어는 need not, do not need to, do not have to, have not to 등이 있음.
* You must go there.
의: Do you have to go there?
과: You had to go there.
미: You will have to go there.
* You have only to do your duty. (∼하기만 하면 된다)
② 추측 (must + 무의지동사)
* He must be honest. (현재의 추측)
= I am sure that he is honest.
It is certain
= It is impossible that he is honest.
≠ He cannot be honest.
* He must have been honest. (과거의 추측)
= I am sure that he was honest.
= It is impossible that he was honest.
≠ He cannot have been honest.
③ 기타.
* He must needs come. (꼭 ∼한다고 고집하다)
* Sooner or later, death must come to us all!
(필연; 반드시 ∼하다. 조만간 죽음은 우리 모두에게 다가온다)
* You must not tell a lie. (금지; ∼해서는 안된다)
≠ You may tell a lie. (허가; ∼해도 좋다)
* I think that I must go.
과거: I thought that I must go.
4. Will, Would
① 습성, 경향
Will : 현재의 불규칙적 습관. (∼하곤하다)
Would: 과거의 불규칙적 습관. (∼하곤했다)
* He will often sit up reading all night.
* He would often come home drunk, and beat his wife.
* Children will be noisy.
② 소망 (wish to, want to)
* He who would search for pearls, must dive deep.
* Would that I were young again!
Would to God
I wish
* He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet.
= wish to
③ 거절, 고집.
* The door will not open. (현재의 고집)
* He would not help me. (과거의 고집)
* The door will not open.
④ 습관, 경향 (He'll과 같이 생략형을 쓸 수가 없다)
* Accident will happen.
* Dogs will bark when they see a stranger.
* He would sit there without saying a word.(불규칙적인 습관)
⑤ 공손
prefer, like, love는 주로 would와 같이 쓰여 공손을 나타냄
Would you prefer A to B ∼
*Will you prefer A to B ~
⑥ 기타.
* This vessel will hold 2 gallons of water. (포용력)
* Would you pass me the salt? (공손)
* He would be about twenty, when he met her. (추측)
* He was a strong will. (그는 강한 의지를 갖고 있다)
* He made his will before his death.
◇ will이 명사로 쓰이면 "의지, 뜻, 의사, 유언" 등으로 쓰임.
* I would rather die (than) live in dishonor.
would sooner
had rather
= I would choose death before life in dishonor.
= I prefer dying to living in dishonor. (전치사 + 명사, 동명사)
= I prefer to die rather than (to) live in dishonor.
= 불명예스럽게 사느니 죽는 것이 낫다.
5. Should Ⅰ
① 의무 (should + 원형동사: ∼해야한다)
* The young should respect the old.
◇ 'should + 동사원형'은 'ought to + 동사원형'과 마찬가지로 의무 "∼해야한다"의 뜻.
* Freedom of speech shall not be violated.
② 과거의 비난, 유감, 후회 (should + have + p.p.; ∼했어야했는데)
유감 : have + p.p
* You should have worked harder.
ought to
= I am sorry (that) you didn't work harder.
= I wish you had worked harder.
Would that
Would to God
If only
= You had to work harder, but you didn't.
③ 강한 의문, 놀람, 당연 (의문사 + should)
* Why should you stay in Seoul in this hot weather?
◇ should가 why, how, who 등의 의문문에서 강한 의문, 놀람, 당연 등으로 쓰이면 "도대체 ∼인가?"의 뜻.
* How should I know it? (수사의문문)
= I don't know it at all.
◇ Who should A but b? : 도대체 누가 A하는가 했더니 다름 아닌 바로 B이더라.
④ 이성적 판단의 should.
* It is natural that he should get angry.
= It is natural for him to get angry.
= He may well get angry.
◇ It is + 형 + that∼ 구문에서 형용사 necessary, important, natural, good, well, right, wrong, rational 등이 오면
that절에 should를 사용한다. (해석할 필요는 없음)
⑤ 감정적 판단의 should.
* It is strange that she should cry all day long.
◇ It is 다음에 a pity, surprising, odd, strange, curious 등이 쓰이면 that∼에 should를 사용하며, "∼하다니"로 해석한다.
should + 동사원형 → 현재의 일. should + have + p.p. → 과거의 일.
⑥ 기타.
* He should arrive by the 6:15 train. (추측)
* I should like to go to America once more. (완곡한 표현)
* Write it down in your notebook lest you should forget it.
* He lowered his voice for fear that he should be heard.
* You shall take it.(예언)
→ "∼하지 않도록", 자체 속에 부정의 뜻 포함. should 다음에 not을 쓰지 않도록 주의 할 것.
* It is + 감성형용사 + that + S + should + 동사원형
pity, strange, odd, curious...
* It is + 이성형용사 + that + S + should + 동사원형
right, important, natural, proper, necessary...
* 뜻밖, 놀람 : Who should come in but Bill.(수사의문문)
Bill을 제외하고 누가 올 수 있겠는가? 즉 Bill만 왔다는 뜻
* lest ∼ should = for fear ∼ should = ∼하지 않기 위해서
자체에 부정의 의미가 있으므로 not이나 다른 부정어와 같이 쓰일 수 없다.
6. Should Ⅱ
요구 : require, request | 동사 ∼ that + S + (should) + 원형동사 |
insist, suggest, order, demand, inquire, recommand....
여기서 should는 가정법의 should 이다. insist와 suggest는 직설법도 취할 수 있다. 이때는 <(should) + 원형동사>가
오지않고 주절의 시제에 따라 종속절의 동사를 일치시킨다.
(a) He insisted that she (should) change her clothes. 가정법문장
(b) He insisted that she changed her clothes. 직설법문장
(a)는 그는 그 여자에게 옷을 갈아입어야 한다고 주장했다. 즉 그 여자가 실제로 자기의 옷을 갈아입는 행위가
아직 일어나지 않았으므로 가정법 문장에 속한다.
(b)는 그는 그 여자가 실제로 그녀의 옷을 갈아입었다고 주장했다. 라는 뜻을 지니게 되어, 그녀가 옷을 갈아입는 행위가
실제로 일어난 직설법 문장이다.
She suggested that she should be angry.
*She suggested that she was angry.
위의 문장에서는 suggest가 '제안하다'의 뜻을 지니는 경우에 가정법 시제가 나타나지만, 암시하다는 뜻을 지니게 되면
가정법 시제가 올 수 없고 직설법 시제가 온다. 해석은 가정법으로는 그 여자는 그녀가 화가 나야 한다고 제안했다.로
어색한 표현이 된다. 직설법 해석은 그녀가 화가 났음을 암시했다. 의 의미이다.
다음의 문장에서도 동사 suggest가 '암시하다'의 의미이다.
*Her expression suggested that she be angry.
Her expression suggested that she was angry.
직설법 해석 - 그녀의 표정이 화가 났음을 암시했다. 즉 얼굴을 보니 화가 난 얼굴이었다는 의미
* insist와 suggest는 문맥의 의미에 따라서 가정법 시제, 직설법 시제를 구별하여 써야 한다.
He demanded(ordered) that she (should) change her clothes.
*He demanded(ordered) that she changed her clothes.
* He insisted that he (should) go to the party.
= He insisted on (또는 upon) going to the party.
* I ordered that he (should) do it himself.
7. Ought to
① 당연, 의무.
* You ought to start at once. (∼해야한다, should와 거의 같은 뜻)
* You ought not to say such things. (부정; ought not to∼)
② 과거의 유감, 후회, 비난.
* You ought to have told me that matter yesterday.
= You should have told me that matter yesterday.
= I am sorry (that) you did not tell me that matter yesterday.
= I wish you had told me that matter yesterday.
(너는 어제 그일을 나에게 말했어야 했는데...)
◇ ought to + have + p.p는 과거에 실행되지 못한 일에 대해 유감, 비난, 후회를 나타내며 '∼했어야했는데'의 뜻을 갖는다.
* He ought to have arrived at Seoul Station by now.
(그는 지금쯤 마땅히 서울역에 도착해있을거야; 당연한 추측)
③ 미래의 추측.
* It ought to be rainy tomorrow. (당연히 ∼일 것이다)
8. Dare
* I dare not to go there.
* How are you say such a thing to my face?
(내 면전에서 네가 감히 나에게 그런 말을 할 수 있겠는가?)
◇ 부정문, 의문문에서 조동사로 쓰여 "감히 ∼하다"
* He does not dare to tell us.
◇ dare to do : 본동사로서 "감히 ∼하다"
* I dare say = probably = perhaps = maybe = 아마.
9. Need
* daily needs: 일용품.
* immediate needs: 당장 필요한 것들.
* The house is in need of repair. (명사로 필요, 소용, 결핍의 뜻)
◇ in need of∼: ∼에 필요한. ◇in need: 곤경에 빠져있는.
* He needs your help. (본동사, 그는 너의 도움을 필요로 한다)
* He need not go there. (조동사)
= He does not need to go there. (본동사)
* He need not have written to her again.
(그는 그녀에게 편지를 다시 쓸 필요가 없었는데...(그런데도 썼다))
He did not need to write to her again.
(그는 그녀에게 편지를 다시 쓸 필요가 없었다.(썼는지의 여부는 모름))
◇ need not have + p.p.: ∼할 필요가 없었는데 ∼를 했다.
did not need to∼ : ∼할 필요가 없었다, 그래서 ∼하지 않았다.
10. Used to
① use가 명사, 동사로 쓰일 때.
* You use your legs when you walk. (동사, [ju:z])
* The telephone is of no use in this town. (명사, [ju:s])
* use up = exhaust: 다 써 버리다.
of no use = useless: 소용이 없는.
② used to + 동사원형.
* I used to get up early. ([ju:st], 과거의 규칙적 습관)
= I was in the habit of getting up early.
= I made it a rule to get up early.
= I made a point of getting up early.
= I made it a point to get up early.
* There used to be a big tree here. (과거의 상태)
③ be used to + 명사, 동명사.
* He is used to driving a car.
= He is accustomed to drive a car.
driving a car.
◇ be used to 다음에 반드시 명사 또는 동명사가 오며 "∼에 익숙하다"의 뜻. 그러나 be accustomed to 다음엔
동사원형 또는 명사나 동명사가 모두 쓰임.
11. do
① 대동사
② 어순도치 : Never did I dream that he passed the exam.
S + V(자동사) 의문문 : V + S
S + V(타동사) + O 의문문 : Do + S + V + O
③ 강조(주로 동사강조) : I did meet Tom there.
④ 관용적 표현 : Any book will do.(do는 be sufficient, be enough의 뜻이다.)