동요를 영어로 바꿔서 부르기.............

메모 :
* 산토끼 *

Jack rabbit Jack rabbit (산토끼 토끼야)
Where are you going now (어디를 가느냐)
Jumping Jumping everywhere (깡충 깡충 뛰면서)
Where are you going now (어디를 가느냐)

* 똑같아요 *

I wonder I wonder what are the same (무엇이 무엇이 똑같을까)
Two chopsticks in a set. They are the same (젓가락 두짝이 똑같아요)

* 그대로 멈춰라 *

Have some fun as you dance along (즐겁게 춤을 추다가)
And I want you to stop (그대로 멈춰라)
Have some fun as you dance along (즐겁게 춤을 추다가)
And I want you to stop (그대로 멈춰라)

(다른 버전)

Dance with me, gonna have some fun.
Now it's time to stop!
Dance with me, gonna have some fun.
Now it's time to stop!
Don't even close your eyes.
Don't even smile a smile.
Don't even shed a tear.
Stop right there.
Dance with me, gonna have some fun.
Now it's time to stop

* 바둑이방울 *

Ring-a-ding-a-ling-ling (딸랑 딸랑 딸랑)
Rind-a-ding-a-ling-ling (딸랑 딸랑 딸랑)
Puppy's collar-bell ring so very well (바둑이방울 잘도 울린다)
After school when I am coming home (학교길에 마중 나와서)
He comes out to greet me as he wags his tail (반갑다고 꼬리치며 따라온다)
Ring-a-ding-a-ling-ling (딸랑 딸랑 딸랑)
Ring-a-ding-a-ling-ling (딸랑 딸랑 딸랑)
Puppy's collar-bell ring so very well. (바둑이방울 잘도 울린다)

* 우리모두 다같이 손뼉을 *

All together come on now, clap your hands. (우리모두 다같이 손뼉을)
All together come on now, clap your hands. (우리모두 다같이 손뼉을)
All together come on now, (우리모두 다같이)
clap your hands and sing along. (손뼉치며 노래해)
One, Two, Three, Four clap with the beat (하나 둘 셋 넷 장단 맞추어)

* 사과 같은 내 얼굴 *

Like an apple is my face. (사과 같은 내 얼굴)
How I look so beautiful. (예쁘기도 하구나)
Eyes are shiny, nose is shiny. (눈도 반짝 코도 반짝)
And my lips are shiny. (입도 반짝 반짝 )

* 나비야 나비야 *

Butterfly Butterfly (나비야 나비야)
come and fly on over here (이리 날아 오너라)
Yellow and white butterfly (노란 나비 흰 나비)
come and dance on over here (춤을 추며 오너라)

* 얼룩 송아지 *

Little calf Little calf (송아지 송아지)
Spotted little calf. (얼룩 송아지)
Mama cow is spotted, too. (엄마소도 얼룩소)
You both look alike. (엄마 닮았네)

* 코끼리 *

Mr. Elephant's (코끼리 아저씨는)
trunk is a hand (코가 손이래)
When we give him a snack (과자를 주면은)
he gets with his trunk. (코로 받지요)

- 지수맘 꼬랑지 : 코끼리의 코를 trunk라고 한답니다.

* 학교종 *

School bell's ringing Ding Ding Dong (학교 종이 땡땡땡)
Let's all gather now (어서 모이자)
Teacher's waiting in the class for us all to come (선생님이 우리를 기다리신다)

* 강아지 *

Puppy dog in my house is (우리집 강아지는)
such a pretty dog (예쁜강아지)
When I come home from school (학교 갔다 돌아오면)
ruff ruff ruff (멍멍멍)
Wagging tail, glad to see me (꼬리치며 반갑다고)
ruff ruff ruff (멍멍멍)

* 짝짜꿍 *

In front of mommy, clap clap clap (엄마 앞에서 짝짜꿍)
In front of daddy, clap clap clap (아빠 앞에서 짝짜꿍)
Mommy's worries fade away (엄마 한숨은 잠자고)
Daddy's wrinkles go away (아빠 주름살 펴져라)

* 어린송아지 *

There's a little calf (어린 송아지가)
sitting on butumak (부뚜막에 앉아)
He begins to cry~ (울고 있어요)
Waaa~ Waa~ my bottom feel so hot (음매 음매 엉덩이가 뜨거워)

- 이 곡은 외국곡이라 원래는 '부뚜막에 앉아'가 아니고 '끈 숯 위에 앉아(sitting upon some coal)'가 더 정확한 가사인데 우리 아이들에게 좀더 익숙한 '부뚜막에 앉아'로 하였습니다.

* 퐁당퐁당 *

Plop, Plop, Plop, Plop (퐁당퐁당)
come on throw a stone (돌을 던지자)
secretly now come on throw a stone (누나몰래 돌을 던지자)
Hey, little waves won't you (냇물아 퍼져라)
spread out farther all around (멀리멀리 퍼져라)
sitting on other side (건너편에 앉아서)
washing all the sprouts (나물을 씻는)
let us tickle with drops (우리누나 손등을)
let us make her laugh (간질어 주어라)

* 꼬마눈사람 *

Little snowman wears a straw hat / in the winter time (한겨울에 밀짚모자 / 꼬마 눈사람)
His eyebrows look so funny / nose is pointy, too. (눈썹이 우습구나 / 코도 삐뚤고)
I'll show you what you look like / little snowman friend (거울을 보여줄까 / 꼬마 눈사람)

* 옹달샘 *

How I wonder who may drink / from the spring pool on the mountain. (깊은 산-속 옹달샘 / 누가 와서 먹나요)
At dawn a rabbit wakes / rubbing his eyes to rise. (새벽에 토끼가 / 눈 비비고 일어나)
Though he came to wash his face (세수하러 왔다가)
All he did was have a drink. (물만 먹고 가지요)

* 둥글게 둥글게 *

Making a circle now (둥글게 둥글게)
Making a circle now (둥글게 둥글게)
Turning Turning in a circle (빙글빙글 돌아가며)
as we dance along (춤을 춥시다)
Let's clap our hands (소뼉을 치면서)
Let's sing along (노래를 부르며)
Lalalala Have fun as we dance along (랄라랄라 즐거웁게 춤추자)
Lingalingalinga (*2) (링가링가링가 링가링가링)
Hand in hand together everybody now. (손에 손을 잡고 모두 다함께 즐거웁게 춤을 춥시다.)

* 시계 *

Clock ticks in the morning Tic Toc Tic Toc (시계는 아침부터 똑딱똑딱)
Clock ticks in the morning Tic Toc Tic Toc (시계는 아침부터 똑딱똑딱)
All the time it is same Tic Toc Tic Toc (언제나 같은소리 똑딱똑딱)
It is working very hard (부지런히 일해요)

* 저금통 *

One coin ding ding [땡그랑 한푼]
Two coins ding ding [땡그랑 두푼]
My little piggy bank is [벙어리 저금통이]
wow heavy now [아이고 무거워]
Hahahaha, we are good little kids [하하하하 우리는 착한 어린이]
We all love to save our money [아껴쓰며 저축하는]
We are the thrifty kids [알뜰한 어린이]

* 리듬악기 노래 *

Hit the big drum Boom Boom Boom [큰북을 울려라 둥둥둥]
Hit the small drum Bam Bam Bam [작은북을 울려라 동동동]
Castanets go click click click [캐스터넷츠 짝짝짝]
Tambourine goes ring ring ring [탬버린은 찰찰찰]
Triangle's goes ding ding ding [트라이앵글은 칭칭칭]

* 비행기 *

Rising Rising Aeroplane [떴다떴다 비행기]
Fly away Fly away [날아라 날아라]
Higher Higher fly away [높이높이 날아라]
Our aeroplane [우리비행기]

-> aeroplane (영국식) 대신 airplane도 OK :  멜로디에 맞추다 보니까 영국식 단어를 쓴 것 같네요.

* 어린음악대 *

Dadada, Dadada, with a little hand [따따따 따따따 주먹손으로]
Dadada, Dadada, blowing trumpet now [따따따 따따따 나팔붑니다]
Yes, we are a little marching band [우리들은 어린음악대]
Number one in our neighborhood. [동네 안에 제일가지요]

* 곰 세마리 *

Three bears living in one house [곰 세마리가 한집에 있어]
Daddy bear, mommy bear, baby bear [아빠곰 엄마곰 아기곰]
Daddy bear is chubby wubby [아빠곰은 뚱뚱해]
Mommy bear is skinny [엄마곰은 날씬해]
Baby bear is so cute [아기곰은 너무 귀여워]
Smile smile, there you go [히쭉히쭉 잘한다]

* 새나라의 어린이 *

Children of the brand new land [새나라의 어린이는]
They all wake up early [일찍 일어납니다]
Nation with no sleepy heads [잠꾸러기 없는나라]
We all live in a good land [우리나라 좋은나라]

* 달 *

Moon~ what kind a moom [달달 무슨달]
Round moom like a little tray [쟁반같이 둥근달]
Where is it right now? [어디어디 떴나]
It is over Namsan [남산 위에 떴지]