비교법의 종류

비교법의 종류                                 

1. 원급에 의한 비교

1) as + 원급 + as : 동등비교

   not so(as) + 원급 + as : 열등비교

  • She is as tall as Tom (is).
  • I have as many books as you (have).
  • She is not so(as) tall as Tom. = Tom is taller than she (is).
  • She is as kind as Tom.
  • She is as kind as beautiful. (동일인의 두 가지 측면을 말할 땐 as A as B : 『A하려니와 B하다』
  • You are twice as old as he (is).

2) as A as (A) can be = as A as anything : 더할 나위 없이, 극도로 A 하는.

  • He is as poor as (poor) can be.    = He is as poor as anything.

3) as + 원급 + as possible = as + 원급 + as one can : 될 수 있는 한 ∼하게

  • He walked as fast as possible.   = He walked as fast as he could.
  • as soon as possible = a.s.a.p (A.S.A.P)

4) as ∼ as any + 명사 : 어느 누구에게도 못지 않게 ∼한

   as ∼ as ever + 과거동사 : 지금까지 ∼한 (최상급의 뜻),   누구 못지 않게 ∼한

  • He was as brave as any man in the world.
  • He is as great a statesman as ever lived.

5) 직유 'as ∼ as' 의 형태

  • as white as snow : 눈처럼 하얀.
  • as blind as bat  : 박쥐처럼 눈이 먼.
  • as poor as a church mouse: 교회 생앙쥐처럼 가난한.
  • as brave as a lion
  • as hungry as a hawk
  • as dumb as a fish
  • as sly(cunning) as a fox
  • as happy as a king
  • as cheerful as a lark
  • as busy as a bee
  • as miserable as a fish out of water
  • as cool as a cucumber
  • as proud as a peacock
  • as quiet as a mouse

2. 비교급에 의한 비교

1) 우등비교

  • He is five inches taller than Mary.
  • This is much bigger than that.

    ★ much, still, even, (by) far, a lot 등이 비교급과 함께 쓰여 비교급을 강조 →『훨씬, 한층』의 뜻

2) 절대비교: 비교의 상대 없이 비교급을 쓰는 경우.

  • the younger generation (젊은 세대)
  • the higher classes (상류계급)
  • higher education (고등교육)
  • The greater part of the students are teenagers. (학생들의 대부분은 10대들이다.)
  • Her upper teeth have to be pulled. (그녀는 윗니를 빼야한다.)

3) 열등비교.

  • Mary is less tall than Tom.  = Mary is not so tall as Tom.

4) 동일인의 성질 비교

동일인 또는 동일물의 서로 다른 성질을 비교할 때는 음절에 관계없이 more + 원급 + than의 형태

  • He is cleverer than his brother.
  • He is more clever than wise. (more = rather)

5) the + 비교급

비교급 앞에 the를 사용하는 경우

① of A and B 또는 of the two 등의 구가 있을 때.

  • Tom is the taller of the two.

② 원인이나 이유를 표시하는 부사구 또는 부사절이 있을 경우. (for, because...)

  • He worked the harder, because his master praised him.
  • I like him all the better for his faults.

③ the + 비교급 ..... the + 비교급 ......

  • The more one has, the more he wants.

3. 최상급에 의한 비교

1) 형용사의 최상급 앞에는 the를 쓰지만, 부사의 최상급에는 the를 쓰지 않는다.

   of 다음에는 복수보통명사를, in 다음에는 단수명사를 쓴다.

  • She is the most diligent (girl) of our classmates. (= in our class)
    • He is the tallest of all his classmates.
    • The boy studies hardest of them all.
    • He runs fastest of all.
    • She is by far the tallest player in the team. (최상급을 강조할 땐 by far를 사용)

    2) 최상급을 강조하기 위해서 『that (has) ever lived』를 붙이는 경우도 있다.  

    • She is the greatest poet that has ever lived.

    3) even의 뜻을 가지는 최상급 (양보의 의미)

    • The wisest man does not know everything.
    • The poorest can afford to buy an apple in autumn.
    • By the law of nature the stream will run down, and the strongest man cannot stop it.

    4) 절대최상급

    • This is a most interesting book to me.  (a most = a very)
    • most people : 대부분의 사람들
    • the most : 가장 ∼한.
    • at best : 기껏해야      
    • at most : 많아야.

    5) last는 부정으로 번역될 때가 있다.

    • He is the last man to tell a lie. = He is the most unlikely man to tell a lie.
    • I should be the last to do it. (나는 결코 그런 일은 안한다.)
    • She was the last woman I wanted to see.
    • The very last thing of which man can make his boast is his knowledge.

    6) 최상급을 포함하는 관용구

    • He is the tallest boy but one in our class. (둘째로 키가 크다.)
    • She is a secondary cinema actress at best. (기껏해야)
    • I shall be back by five at (the) latest. (아무리 늦어도)
    • At (the) worst you will get 100 dollars. (최악의 경우라도)
    • These animals are for the most part found in desert. (대부분)
    • Try to make the best [=most] of your time. (가장 잘 이용하다.)
    • He did his best to solve the problem. (최선을 다하다)
    • I could not imagine in the least what to do. (∼조차 할 수가 없었다.)
    • This is by far the best. (월등하게 우수하다.)
    • He was among the best statesmen of England. (굴지의, 유능한)

    7) 최상급에 the를 붙이지 않는 경우

    ① the가 소유격으로 대체되는 경우나 호격이 올 때.

    • It is his greatest pleasure to read novels.
    • He is my best friend.
    • Never mind, dearest one!

    ② 동일인, 동일물의 성질을 비교할 때.

    • This river is deepest at this point.

    ③ 부사의 최상급.

    • He always works hardest in the office.

    ④ 최상급의 형용사가 뒤에 명사를 동반하지 않고 단독으로 보어로 쓰일 때

    • Summer is hottest.      (cf. Summer is the hottest season in the year.)
    • This method is simplest and easiest.·

    ⑤ most의 용법

    • Most people think so. (『대부분』, 『대다수』의 뜻)
    • He is a most proud man. (a most = a very : 의미를 강하게 하기 위함)
    • It is most kind of you to say so.  (most kind가 kindest 보다 의미상 강조가 됨)

    8) 비교문장 전환 (최상급의 표현 방식)

    Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 의 내용을 다음과 같이 표현 가능.

    ① 부정주어 + so + 원급 + as ∼

    • No (other) mountain in the world is so high as Mt. Everest.

    ② 부정주어 + 비교급 + than ∼

    • No (other) mountain in the world is higher than Mt. Everest.

    ③ 주어 + 비교급 + than any other + 단수명사

    • Mt. Everest is higher than any other mountain in the world.

    ④ 주어 + 최상급 + of all (the) + 복수명사

    • Mt. Everest is the highest of all the mountain in the world.  

    4. 관용적 표현

    1) A is no more B than C is D

       = A is not B any more than C is D

       = A is not B just as C is not D

       = A가 B가 아닌 것은 C가 D가 아닌 것과 같다. (양자부정)

    • A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.

      = A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is (a fish).

    2) A is no less B than C is D : C가 D인 것과 만찬가지로 A가 B이다. (양자긍정)

    • He is no less guilty as you are.

      = He is as much guilty as you are. (네가 죄가 있는 것과 마찬가지로, 그도 죄가 있다.)

    3) no less a person than ∼ : 다름 아닌 바로 ∼인.

    • He was no less a person than the president. (그는 다른 사람이 아닌 바로 대통령 자신이었다.)

    4) not ∼ more than …  : 이상은 ∼이 아니다.

       not ∼ less than …  : ∼보다 덜 ∼하지 않다, ∼에 못지 않게 ∼하다.

    • He is not more diligent than you are.
    • Light is not less necessary than fresh air to health. (빛은 신선한 공기 못지 않게 건강에 필요하다.)

    5) no more than = only  : 겨우, 단지.

       no less than = as many as = as much as : ∼만큼이나.

       not more than = at most  : 기껏해야.

       not less than = at least : 적어도.

    • He has no more than 10,000 won. (그는 겨우 만원밖에 없다.)
    • He has no less than 10,000 won. (그는 만원이나 갖고 있다.)
    • I have not more than three hundred books.
    • I have not less than three hundred books.
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