
겹친 숫자나 합성된 단어, 문장 끝에서 잘린 단어를 이어주고 개인의 나이를 나타내는 숫자를 묶기 위하여, 게임의 Score를 표시하는데 쓰임.
The hyphen is used to join the words in compound numbers from twenty  one to ninety  nine, to form compound  words, and to divide words at the end of a line. The hyphen is also used to join numbers which indicate the life span of individual, the scores of a game, and so on.


단어를 나누기 위하여 씀.To Divide a Word

Never divide a one - syllable word: raised, though. Avoid dividing a word of five letters or less:paper,study. Never divide a one  letter syllable from the rest of the word: omitted, not o  mitted. Never divide abbreviations or contractions or contractions. Never divide the last word in more than two limes in a row or the last word in a paragraph. When a vowel is a syllable by the vowel: epi-sode, not episode.


합성된 말에서 쓰임. In a compound Word

Dot-matrix printer there-dimensional television in-dash microwave oven  14-year-old Nintendo wizard 80-column screen display


분수의 숫자 사이에서 쓰임. Between Numbers In a Fraction

Four-tenths, five-sixteenths,(7/32) seven thirty-seconds


문자나 단어를 연결하기 위하여 쓰임. To join Letters and Words

G-rated, T-bar lift, X-ray therapy, T-bone steak


새로운 단어를 만들 때 쓰임. To Create New Words

A special mesh seeded with live cells may induce self-generating skin for burn victims. In the future, the telephone, TV set, VCR, fax machine, and personal computer will be part of one all-purpose workstation. We should use phosphate-free laundry and dish soaps.


단어의 애매한 철자를 선명하게 하기 위하여 쓰임. To Avoid Confusion or Awkward Spelling

Re-collect(not recollect)the reports we distributed last week. It has a shell-like(not shell like)texture.


형용사를 만들기 위하여 쓰임. To Form an Adjective

Voice-recognition software   on-screen directions last-ditch effort

Easy-to-use digital short wave radios are becoming popular. Digital short wave radios are easy to use.

Newly designed dryer grade B movie (a movie made on a low budget)