Learning about Yourself


이 글은 강한 자아 개념(Self-image) 형성에 관한 것입니다. 다음 소제목에 맞는 단락을 찾아봅시다.
1. 자이 개념의 뜻.  2. 자아 개념의 강약 구분. 3. 자아 개념의 변화 요인.
4. 자아 개념 강화 방안. 5. 강화된 자아 개념의 좋은 점.


Do you often stop to think about who you are? Are you worried about your worth at home, at school, and in society? Are you sure of yourself? If these questions bother you, you are concerned about your self-image. Self-image is how you feel about yourself. Your feelings about your appearance and abilities are part of your self-image. You may have a strong self-image, or a weak one.

who you are: Who are you? 라는 직접 의문문이 about의 목적어로서 간접의문문이 되었다. worried about: be worried about: ....에 대하여 걱정하다.  be sure of oneself: 자기 확신을 갖다. bother: ~를 괴롭히다. self-image: 자아개념.

self-defence : 정당방위  self-evidence : 장명한.  self-respect : 자존심.    one: self-image를 대신 씀.


How can you tell if your self-image is weak or strong? One way is to listen to what you say about yourself. For example, suppose you are thinking whether to try a new activity, such a s playing soccer or the guitar. Which of the following would you be more likely to say to yourself? "Maybe I won't be good at first, but I'll try." "It's too hard. I'll be terrible. Why should I even try?" People who choose the first answer realize they may not be good at everything, especially at first. However, they are willing to try new things anyway. Their self-image probably is strong.

if your self-image is weak or strong : 자신의 자아 개념이 약한지 강한지를...<간접의문문> 전체 문장의 목적어 역할을 한 절,  suppose : ...라는 것을 가정하다. ex) I don't suppose that he will come.  at first: 처음에는(순서). cf. from the first: 처음부터.  for the first time: 처음으로... be good at: ~를 잘 하다. 능숙하게 하다.  are willing to: 기꺼이 ~ 하다.


Everyone's self-image changes from time to time. Think about how you feel about yourself most of the time. Suppose you usually have a weak self-image. But today you did better on a social studies report than before.

And during physical education class, you stood on your hands for the first time. You had tried to do it many times before, but you had never succeeded. How would you feel today? What has probably happened to your self-image? Hasn't your self-image become positive?

from time to time: 때때로, sometimes.  most of the time: 보통, 대개. did better on~ : ~를 더 잘하다. social studies: 사회 과목. physical education: 체육.  stand on your hands for the first time: 생전처음 물구 나무 서기를 하다.  positive: 긍적적인.  


Of course, you will want to keep your self-image strong. But how can you do so? You may experience failures as well as successes. But can you still keep your self-image strong and positive? Here we have a few pieces of advice for you.

First, be positive. Being positive includes saying positive things to yourself. Compliment yourself when you try hard or do well. Being positive includes developing positive attitudes. Try to be positive about the things you do, even things that are not especially enjoyable, like watering flowers at home. Then you'll find you feel better about yourself.

keep your self-image strong: 너의 자아개념을 강하게 유지하다.  failures as well as successes: 성공은 물론 실패까지도~.  a few pieces of advice: 충고 몇 마디.  Compliment yourself: 스스로 칭찬하라. like watering flowers at home: 집에 있는 꽃에 물 주듯이.  even things that are not especially enjoyable: 특별히 즐길 만하지 않은 일 까지도.


Second, accept yourself. You need to accept you cannot change some things about yourself. For example, you cannot change the color of your eyes or your height. And there are certain abilities which others have but you do not. Will it weaken your self-image that you are not able to change certain things? Certainly not. Just try to accept things you cannot change. And instead of worrying about things you cannot change, give your full attention to your good features and abilities.

accept yourself: 너 자신을 받아 들여라.  height: 키, high의 명사형. instead of ~ing: ~ 대신에. give your full attention to: ~에 주의를 기울이다. good features and abilities: 자질과 능력.


Third, set realistic goals. If you decide to make any changes, you need to set realistic goals. A realistic goal is one that is possible to reach. For example, if you play baseball pretty well, your goal should be to become the best baseball player you can be.

Your self-image gets stronger as you get closer to your goal. A person who sets realistic goals does not try to do too much. But the goals should not be too easy either.

if your self-image is weak or strong : 자신의 자아 개념이 약한지 강한지를...<간접의문문> 전체 문장의 목적어 역할을 한 절,  suppose : ...라는 것을 가정하다. ex) I don't suppose that he will come.  at first: 처음에는(순서). cf. from the first: 처음부터.  for the first time: 처음으로... be good at: ~를 잘 하다. 능숙하게 하다.  are willing to: 기꺼이 ~ 하다.


Lastly, be responsible. How do you feel when you finish some work you were responsible for? Part of being responsible is completing your work as well as you can. But finishing a certain piece of work may be difficult at times. But finishing what you start usually helps you feel better about yourself.

if your self-image is weak or strong : 자신의 자아 개념이 약한지 강한지를...<간접의문문> 전체 문장의 목적어 역할을 한 절,  suppose : ...라는 것을 가정하다. ex) I don't suppose that he will come.  at first: 처음에는(순서). cf. from the first: 처음부터.  for the first time: 처음으로... be good at: ~를 잘 하다. 능숙하게 하다.  are willing to: 기꺼이 ~ 하다.


As you work to strengthen your self-image, you help your mental health. You also help your physical health. A healthy person can get along better with other people. If you can do so, you will have an even stronger self-image.

if your self-image is weak or strong : 자신의 자아 개념이 약한지 강한지를...<간접의문문> 전체 문장의 목적어 역할을 한 절,  suppose : ...라는 것을 가정하다. ex) I don't suppose that he will come.  at first: 처음에는(순서). cf. from the first: 처음부터.  for the first time: 처음으로... be good at: ~를 잘 하다. 능숙하게 하다.  are willing to: 기꺼이 ~ 하다.




In-su looks sad. Jane is trying to say nice words to him.


In-su   : I hate myself. I always lose.

Jane   : I'm sure you'll do better next time.

In-su   : Thanks. It's foolish of me to hate myself.

Jane   : You're right. Who can love you more than yourself?

In-su   : I know. I thank you for your nice words.

Jane   : Just try to accept and love yourself.

In-su   : Yes. I will be able to win next time.

Jane   : I'm glad to hear you say that.