
사람이름에서 쓰임. Names of People

Margaret Thatcher; Marin Luther King, Jr.; Saddam Hussein; Toshiki Kaifu; Sinead O'connor; Wendy Wasserstein0

Martha Ulferts Meyer, Kimberly Yashiki Smith, Jenny Du Clos Hart.


역사적 사실을 표현하기 위하여 사용됨. Historical Events

World War I, the Bill of rights, the Magma Carta, the Middle Ages, the Paleozoic Era.


약어를 표기할 때 쓰임. Abbreviations

U.S.A., M.D., FBI, B.C., B.A., NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), M.A., Ph.D.


조직이나 기구를 쓸 때 사용함. Organizations

New York State Historical Society, the Red Cross, General Motors corporation, the Miami Dolphins, a Republican, the Democratic party


학과 이름을 표기할 때. Names of Subjects

My brother flunked Family Living because he exploded an egg in the microwave oven.[specific course]

The home economics teacher said that she could forgive all his mistakes, but she was fed up with his pranks.[general subject]


First Words. 문장의 첫 단어에서, 직접인용문의 첫 단어, 간접인용문의 첫 단어는 Capitalize해서는 안된다.

That's when my dad took my brother to visit the teacher.[sentence]

My brother explained to Dad and the home ec. Teacher that the egg was no prank-it was a natural science experiment.[indirect quotation]

Then Dad said Well son, I think it's time you toy a social science experiment :being grounded for one month with no TV or music. [direct quotation]

ButDad, squealed my brother, it was only a joke! [Notice that it begins a new clause, but is not capitalized because the word does not begin a new sentence.]

:I understand that, replied Dad. Natural science is a funny discipline. But I think you'll find social science to be a good deal more serious. [Notice that natural is capitalized because it begins new sentence


한 나라의 특별한 지역을 표기할 때. Particular Sections of the Country

Having grown up on the hectic West Coast, I find life in the South to be refreshing. My little block in northern Los Angeles had more residents than my entire county located east of Memphis.


언어, 종족, 국적,종교이름. Names of Languages, Races, Nationalities, Religions

Spanish Yiddish, Dutch, Arab, Iranian, Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, African art, Irish linen, Swedish meatballs, Methodist.


사람의 이름. Words Used as Names

Uncle George started to sit on the couch. [Uncle is a name; the speaker commonly calls this person Uncle George]

Then Uncle stopped in midair. [Uncle is a name; the speaker commonly calls this person Uncle.]

My aunt had just found him. [The word aunt is not used as a name, but to describe this person.]

Then my dad and mom walked into the room. [The words dad and mom are not used as manes in this sentence.]

Mom, what is everyone doing in here? I asked. [Mom is used as a name.]


요일을 표기할 때. Days of the Week

Thursday, July, Independence Day, Labor Day, New Year's Day, Arbor Day, winter, spring


공식적인 이름. Official Names

Post sugar crisps, Memorex tape, Ford Probe GT, Pioneer sound system, Crest toothpaste, Pizza Hut, Tombstone pizza


사람 이름을 사용한 제목을 표기할 때. Titles Used with Names

Mayor Andrew Young, President Bill Clinton, Senator Helms, chairman Mao, Premier Li Ping, Representative Plasier, Prof. Lorna Van Gilst, Dr. Karen De Mol.


제목을 표기할 때. Titles

The Adventures of Tom sawyer [book]

The Las Vegas Tribune [newspaper]

Field and Stream [magazine]

Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog [song]

The Death of the Hired Man [poem]

Phantom of the Opera [play]

Back to the Future [movie]