Not on My Day


이 글은 전체를 위한 양보심과 자신의 이익에 관한 것입니다. 다음 내용에 해당되는 단락을 찾아봅시다.

1. 농부들이 현자에게 비를 내려 달라고 부탁.

2. 마을 사람들의 의견 불일치.

3. 현자의 결론.


Many years ago there was a wise man who knew everything. In fact his name was Wiseman. People came to him when they had questions to ask. Early one Sunday morning, three farmers came to him.

"Good morning, Mr. Wiseman," they said to him, bending their heads.

"I am very glad to see you, my friends. What can I do for you?"

"We have had no rain for a long time. So we will not be able to have a harvest this autumn. What shall we do to get rain?"

"Oh, my friends, it is a very easy thing," the wise man answered.

"I know some words that bring rain. If I say the words, it will rain. You can have rain on any day of the week. When do you want rain?"

"We cannot answer that now."

"Then tell all the people in the village to come here after lunch."

Many years ago: 옛날에, (=once upon a time)

In fact: 사실은 ( = as a matter of fact = actually = in point of fact)

bending their heads: 머리를 굽히며: 부대상황의 분사구문으로 말하는 동작과 머리를 조아리는 동작이 동시에 일어나고 있다.

I am very glad to see you: 당신들을 만나니 매우 기쁘다. to see는 glad의 결과를 나타낸다.< to-infinitive의 결과적 용법>

"What shall we do to get rain?" : 상대방의 의견을 물을 때 shall을 씀.

on any day of the week: 일주일 중 어느 날에나.



All the people in the village came to him after lunch.

"My friends," said the wise man. "Three farmers came to me this morning and asked me how to make rain. You know well that you will have a bad crop this autumn if this dry weather continues much longer."

"Yes, we need rain very badly," said all the people.

"I know some words and if I say the words, it will rain. When do you want rain? Do you want rain today?"

asked me how to make rain: 비 오게 하는 방법을 물어 보았다.
= asked me how I could make rain.
= asked me,"How can you make rain?"

a bad crop: 흉작.

we need rain very badly: 우리는 비가 몹시 필요합니다.



"No, no, Mr. Wiseman!" the young people disagreed at once. "We cannot have a party today if it rains."

The wise man frowned a little, but asked again.

"Do you want rain tomorrow?:"

"Oh, no," said the women. "We wash our clothes every Monday. So we don't want rain tomorrow."

"Well, then, do you want rain on Tuesday?"

"Oh, no," cried a little girl. "We go on a picnic every Tuesday. So I don't want rain on the day."

"Then do you want rain on Wednesday?:"

"No, Mr. Wiseman," said an old man. "I go to see my son's family on Wednesday, and I must walk to his house."

"Shall we have rain on Thursday?"

"NO, Mr. Wiseman," said the children. "You know there is no school this Thursday. We hope it will be fine. We don't want to stay home all day long."

"Do you want to have rain on Friday, then?"

"No, no. We always cut grass to make hay for our cows on Friday. If it rains on Friday, our cows will have nothing to eat on Saturday and Sunday," said some of the farmers.

"Then do you want rain on Saturday?"

"No, no," said a nurse at once. "I must see the patients of another village on Saturday. You know I have to walk along a country road to that village. I don't want rain when I am walking along that country road."

disagreed at once: 즉시 이의를 제기했다.

frowned a little: 약간 얼굴을 찌푸렸다.

go on a picnic every Tuesday: 매주 화요일 소풍을 간다.

"Shall we have rain on Thursday?": "Shall we ~?" 는 우리 같이 ~ 할까요? 의 의미로 상대방의 의사를 묻는 말이다. 예) Shall we take a walk after dinner?

there is no school this Thursday: 화요일에는 수업이 없어요.

cut grass to make hay: 건초 말들기 위하여 풀을 베다. to 부정사의 부사적 쓰임 중에서 목적의 뜻. 예) The people stood up to see the parade better.

see the patients: 간호하다.



"My friends," said the wise man. "You cannot agree on any day of his week that it should rain. Maybe we'll have to get together to talk about this again next week."

"It will be too late if we wait until next week. The crops will all dry up," the farmers insisted.

"I wish I could help you, but there's nothing I can do for you at the moment," said the wise man. "All of you have different ideas about each day of the week. I cannot make a decision for you in this situation. We have had a long conversation about our common need, rain for our crops. I know how to bring rain here, but you have turned down all my offers. Maybe the only thing I can do is communicate with only one person from among you, or just wait for a heavenly decision."

get together: 함께하다. 모이다.=gather together.

dry up: 말라 버리다.

I wish I could help you: I wish 가정법으로 주절과 같은 때면 뒤에 가정법 과거, 주절보다 앞선 때면 가정법 과거완료 시제가 온다.
예) I wish I could help you.
     I wish I could have helped you.

there's nothing I can do for you: 내가 너희들을 위하여 할 수 있는 일이 아무것도 없다.

our common need, rain for our crops: 우리의 공통적인 필요성 즉, 우리 작물에 필요한 비. 위 두 구는 동격이다.

the only thing I can do is communicate with only one person: I 앞에 that이 생략됨. communicate앞에 to 가 생략됨.

heavenly decision: 하늘의 뜻(결정).





In-su and Mi-ho are talking about selfishness.


In-su   : You'll be feeling bad after thinking only of yourself.

Mi-ho   : You mean I was being so selfish?

In-su   : I'm afraid so.

Mi-ho   : Sorry about that. What I hate most is being selfish.

In-su   : I know how you feel, but I'm glad to hear you're sorry.

Mi-ho   : I think you for helping me see my problem.

In-su   : We're good friends, aren't we?