태 (Voice)

태 (Voice)                                

Ⅰ. 태의 종류와 전환

1. 수동태와 능동태

1) 태 : 동작의 관점의 차이에 의해서 생기는 동사의 표현 형식

- 수동태 : 동작을 하는 쪽에 중점을 둠.

- 능동태 : 동작을 받는 쪽에 중점을 둠.

2) 능동태를 수동태로 고치는 방법

① 능동태의 「목적어」가 수동태의 「주어」가 됨.

② 능동태의 「동사」는 「be +pp」로 바꿈.

③ 능동태의 「주어」는 by 뒤에 와서 부사구를 이룸.

  • All the people in the world admire Kennedy.  (능동태)

    = Kennedy is admired by all the people in the world. (수동태)

3) 수동태로 쓸 수 없는 동사 :

- 목적어가 있는 문장이라고 모두 수동태로 바뀌지는 않는다.

- have(가지고 있다), resemble, lack, become 등은 수동태로 쓸 수 없다.

  • She resembles her mother.  →  Her mother is resembled by her. (×)

2. 수동태의 시제

be의 시제는 능동태의 시제와 일치시키고, 인칭.수는 수동태의 주어와 일치시킨다.

구  분

현   재

과   거

미   래


It is done.

It was done.

It will be done.


It has been done.

It had been done.

It will have been done.


It is being done.

It was being done.

(없  음)

  • Jack builds the house.

    → The house is built by Jack. (현재)

  • Jack built the house.

    → The house was built by Jack. (과거)

  • Jack will build the house.

    → The house will be built by Jack. (미래)

@ 인칭에 따라 will, shall을 정한다.

  • He will catch me. (단순미래)

    → I shall be caught by him.

  • I will do it. (의지미래)

    → It shall be done (by me)

  • Jack has built the house. (현재완료)

    → The house has been built by Jack.

  • Jack had built the house.

    → The house had been built by Jack. (과거완료)

  • Jack will have built the house.

    → The house will have been built by Jack. (미래완료)

  • Jack is building the house.

    → The house is being built by Jack. (진행형)

  • Jack can build the house.

    → The house can be built by Jack. (조동사)

  • Columbus discovered America.

    = America was discovered by Columbus.

  • He has painted these pictures.

    = These pictures have been painted by him. (현재완료형 수동태)

  • She had often seen such a sight before.

    = Such a sight had often been seen by her before. (과거완료형 수동태)

  • He is copying the manuscript.

    = The manuscript is being copied by him.  (현재진행형 수동태)

  • I shall see you there.

    = You will be seen there by me.

  • I will pay the money tomorrow. (의지미래)

    = The money shall be paid by me tomorrow.

    @ 단순미래의 경우 1인칭에는 shall,  2.3인칭에는 will을 쓴다.

    @ 의지미래에서는 shall과 will이 그 반대로 된다.

  • You must write the letter.

    = The letter must be written by you.

  • You ought to do it.

    = It ought to be done by you.

  • You need not write it.

    = It need not be written by you.

  • He may have made it.

    = It may have been made by him.

Ⅱ. 주의해야 할 수동태

1. 재귀대명사가 목적어인 경우

@ 능동태에선 동작을, 수동태에선 상태를 표시한다.

  • I devoted myself to my business. (동작)
  • I was devoted to my business. (상태)
  • She dressed herself for supper. (동작)
  • She was dressed for supper. (상태)

2. 4형식 문장의 수동태

1) 4형식 문장은 대개 I.O나 D.O를 주어로 하여 2개의 수동태가 가능하며 3형식 문장이 된다.

  • Tom gave me the book.  (4형식)

    I was given the book by Tom.  (D.O를 주어로, 3형식) : the book은 보류목적

    The book was given me by Tom. (I.O를 주어로, 3형식) : me는 보류목적

    The book was given to me by Tom. (1형식)

2) I.O가 보류목적어가 될 때

@ 일반적으로 I.O가 보류목적어가 될 땐, 그 앞에 전치사 to, for, of 등을 사용한다.

@ S + V + I.O + D.O → S + V + D.O + 전치사 + I.O

① to를 사용하는 동사 : send, tell, lend, give, offer, bring, owe, teach, show, write, read, 등...

② for를 사용하는 동사 : buy, make, find, choose, get, cook, build 등...

③ of를 사용하는 동사 : ask, inquire, require 등...

  • A letter was sent (to) me by him.
  • A watch was bought for me by him.
  • Some questions were asked of me by him.

3) D.O만 수동태의 주어로 하는 동사

@ write, make, get, bring, carry, send, throw, pass, afford, ensure, intend, mean, preach, reach, return, wire, yield, hand, read, sell, sing, do 등의 동사는 D.O만 수동태의 주어가 될 수 있다.

  • She made me a doll.   → A doll was made for me by her.
  • I wrote him a letter. → A letter was written him by me.
  • A book was brought (to) him. (○)

    He was brought a book. (×)

  • A long letter was written (to) him.  (○)

    He was written a long letter. (×)  

4) I.O만 수동태의 주어로 하는 동사

@ envy, call, kiss, answer, save, spare 등은 I.O만 수동태의 주어가 된다.

  • They envied him his luck. → He was envied his luck (by them). (○)

    His luck was envied him. (×)

  • He was called names by everybody. (○)

    Names were called him. (×)

  • I was spared the trouble. (○)

    The trouble was spared me. (×)

  • He was kissed goodnight. (○)

    Goodnight was kissed him. (×)

3. 5형식 문장의 수동태

1) 5형식 문장을 수동태로 바꾸면 2형식 문장이 된다.

  • They elected him chairman. (5형식)

    → He was elected chairman (by them). (2형식)

2) 지각, 사역동사가 있는 5형식의 목적보어는 원형부정사이지만 수동태로 바꾸면 to부정사로 쓴다.

  • I saw him enter the room.

    → He was seen to enter the room by me.

  • We heard him sing.  = He was heard to sing.
  • We made her do the work.  = She was made to do the work.

@ 사역동사 중 let, have는 수동태가 없다.

@ let, have를 수동태로 할 때 : let → be allowed to 로,  have → be asked to 로 바꾸어서 한다.

  • He had me sing. → I was asked to sing by him.
  • He let me go.   → I was allowed to go by him.

3) 일반인 주어( we, you, one, they, people, someone, somebody )는 수동태에서는 보통 생략하며, 보어는 주어가 될 수 없다.

  • They elected Kennedy President.

    → Kennedy was elected President (by them).

4. 합성동사의 수동태

@ 합성동사는 수동태에서 한 단위로 취급된다.

1) 자동사 + 전치사 = 타동사구.

  • He laughed at me. (3형식)

    → I was laughed at by him. (1형식)

2) 타동사 + 추상명사 + 전치사 = 타동사구.

@ take care of,  find fault with,  pay attention to,  give heed to, catch sight of,  lose sight of etc.

  • They took good care of the child. (3형식)

    → The child was taken good care of (by them). (1형식)

    Good care was taken of the child (by him).

3) 동사 + 부사 + 전치사 = 타동사구.

  • The villagers looked up to the doctor. (3형식)

    → The doctor was looked up to by the villagers. (1형식)

@ speak well of → be well spoken of의 형태.

  • They speak well of Mary.

    → Mary is spoken well of (by them).  (×)

    → Mary is well spoken of (by them).  (○)

5. 목적어가 명사절인 수동태

- 가주어 It를 내세우든지, that절 속의 주어를 수동태의 주어로 한다.

- 본동사 시제 = that절 동사 시제 → 단순부정사

- 본동사 시제보다 that절 동사 시제가 하나 더 앞설 때 → 완료부정사

  • They say that he is honest.

    That he is honest is said (by them).

    → It is said (by them) that he is honest.

    → He is said to be honest (by them).

  • They say that he was honest.

    → It is said (by them) that he was honest.

    → He is said to have been honest (by them).

6. 의문문 수동태

- 의문문을 수동태로 고칠 경우는 평서문 → 수동태 → 의문문으로 바꾸어 가면 이해가 쉽다.

  • Did you plant this tree?

    → You planted this tree. (평서문)

    → This tree was planted by you.  (수동태)

    Was this tree planted by you?  (의문문; 처음 문장의 의문문 수동태)

  • Who saw the accident?

    → Who saw the accident. (평서문; 非문장)

    → The accident was seen by whom. (수동태; 非문장)

    By whom was the accident seen? (의문문; 처음 문장의 의문문 수동태)

  • What did he write on the blackboard?

    → What was written on the blackboard by him?

7. 명령문 수동태

- Let + 목적어 + be + 과거분사의 형태를 사용한다.

  • Do it at once.

    → Let it be done at once.

  • Don't touch the stone.

    → Don't let the stone be touched.

    → Let the stone not be touched.

@ 명령문의 부정은 두 가지가 있다.

「Don't let + 목적어 + be + 과거분사」

「Let + 목적어 + not + be + 과거분사」

8. 부정문 수동태

  • no ↔ not + any
  • nobody ↔ not + anybody
  • never ↔ not + ever
  • nothing ↔ not + anything
  • neither ↔ not + either
  • no one ↔ not + anyone
  • Anyone can not solve the problem. (×)

    No one can solve the problem.  (○)

9. 동작의 행위를 나타내는 전치사

1) 행위자를 표시할 때 일반적으로 by + 목적격을 사용하지만, 동사에 따라 다른 전치사를 쓰기도 한다.

  • Snow covers the mountain.

    → The mountain is covered with snow.

  • Everybody knows the poet.

    → The poet is known to everybody.

  • A man is known by the company he keeps.
  • His sudden death surprised me.

    → I was surprised at his sudden death.

2) 기쁨, 슬픔, 놀람 등 감정 동사는 보통 수동태로 쓰며, 여기 수반하는 전치사는 대개 at, with이다.

  • I am pleased with my students.
  • I am satisfied with the result.
  • I was astonished at his conduct.
  • This book interests me.

    → I am interested in this book.

  • I was tired from the work.
  • I was tired of my quiet life.
  • The street is crowded with a lot of people.

3) 「By + 행위자」를 표시하지 않는 경우

① 행위자가 일반적인 사람일 때.

  • English is spoken in Hongkong (by them)

② 행위자가 명백하지 않을 때, 또는 누군지 알 수 없을 떄.

  • The house was built in 1470 (by somebody).

③ 행위자가 누군지 표현할 필요가 없을 때.

  • Mary and I were invited to Jane's house.

10. 수동태가 주로 사용될 때

1) 능동태의 주어가 분명하지 않을 때.

  • He was killed during the war.

2) 수동태의 주어가 막연한 일반인을 나타낼 때.

  • Spanish is spoken in Mexico, too.

3) 능동태의 주어보다 수동태 주어에 관심이 클 때.

  • Mr. Truman was elected president again.
  • The child was run over by a car.

4) 수동의 의미가 거의 없이 자동사로 느껴지는 경우.

ⓐ 종사, 위치, 사망, 출생의 동사.

  • I am now engaged in writing a book.
  • be absorbed in: ∼에 몰두하다.
  • be situated = be located: ∼에 위치하다.

ⓑ 익사, 피해, 탈선, 부상의 동사.

  • The river drowned him. (×)

    → He was drowned in the river. (○)

5) 앞문장과의 연결상으로.

  • He made a speech and was asked many questions at the end.

    (그는 연설을 했다. 그리고 그 연설 끝에 많은 질문을 받았다.)

6) 행위자를 나타내지 않는 것이 좋다고 생각될 때.

  • Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.

    (말하지 말았어야 할 것을 오늘 밤 여기에서 몇 가지 말했다.)

11. 동작 수동태와 상태 수동태

  • Our house is painted every year.  (동작)

    = We paint our house every year.

  • Our house is painted green. (상태)

    = We have painted our house green.

  • The door is shut at seven every evening. (동작)
  • The door is shut now. (상태)

12. 주의할 수동태

1) 형식은 능동이나 수동의 뜻이 있는 경우

@ sell, lock, read, translate, peel 등의 동사는, 형태는 능동이지만 의미는 수동의 뜻을 나타내는 경우도 있다.

  • This novel sells well.  (이 소설은 잘 팔린다.)
  • This orange peels well.
  • His novels read well.
  • He sold the watch a at a good price.  (3형식)
  • His new novel sells well. (1형식)

2) 형식은 수동이나 뜻은 능동인 경우 (특히 감정을 나타내는 말에 많다.)

  • I was greatly astonished at the sight. (나는 그 광경을 보고 매우 놀랐다)

3) 『have (get) + 목적어 + 과거분사』 의 두 가지 의미

① 손해가 되는 경우 : …을 ∼당하다.

② 이익이 되는 경우 : …을 ∼시키다.

  • I had my purse stolen.
  • I had my watch stolen.  (당하다)
  • I had my watch mended.  (시키다)

4) 기타

  • This house is building.

    = This house is being built. (이 집은 건축 중에 있다.)

  • The meal is now cooking.
  • He is to blame.

    = He is to be blamed.

  • a book to read = a book to be read.
  • a house to let = a house to be let : 셋집.
  • water to drink = water to be drunk : 음료수.

13. 시초수동

@ be 동사 대신에 'become, grow, get + 과거분사'의 형태가 되면「 ∼하게 되다」의 뜻으로 어떤 일이 일어나는 시초나 동기를 나타내므로 시초수동이라고 한다.

  • I am acquainted with him.  (상태)
  • I became acquainted with him at the party.  (동작의 시초)

    @ be acquainted with ∼: "∼을 알고 있다"의 뜻으로 현재의 상태를 나타내고 있다.

@ 다음 문장의 태를 바꾸어 봅시다.

    ① The fire destroyed twenty houses.

    ② A cat killed a rat.

    ③ Everybody loves her.

    ④ Columbus discovered America.

    ⑤ My father made me go there.

    ⑥ We saw her dance.

    ⑦ They say that he went to America.

    ⑧ They spoke well of him.

    ⑨ We saw pretty flowers.

    ⑩ Who wrote this story?

    ⑪ The window was broken by Jane.

    ⑫ The cake was made by Mother.

    ⑬ He was writing a book.

    ⑭ The child must be looked after by you.

    ⑮ Mother made us work hard.

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