가장 인상적인 인용문 Let's roll.의 의미는? 최근 미국의 USA Today지에서는 지난 25년간 가장 많이 패러디 되어 사용된 인용구를 발표했다. 지난 25년 동안 벌어진 다양한 사건...>>more
'0순위'를 영어로 표현하면 어떻게 표현하면 될까요? 우선 That is my top priority가 제일 많이 쓰이는 말이 맞습니다. 대학 선택할 때 이런 표현을 활용하실 수 있겠지요."MIT is my top priority." -... >> more
“가능하면 짧고, 완전한 문장으로, 자신 있게 말하라!” [J] Just about. 거의 Just kidding. 그냥 농담이에요 Just looking. 그 냥 보는 거에요 Just a moment. 잠깐 만요 [K] Keep an eye on this, will you? 이것좀 봐줘여, 그렇래요? Keep going. 계속 가세요 Keep in touch. 계속 연락해요 Keep it confidential. 대외 비밀로 해 주세요 Keep it to yourself. 당신만 알고 계세요. (비밀로 해 주세요) Keep looking. 계속해서 찾아 봐요 Keep out of my way. 제 길을 막지 마세요 Keep the change. 잔돈을 가지세요 Keep your chin up! 고개를 ..
먼저 우리말을 보고 영어로 옮겨본 다음에 영어 표현을 외우시기 바랍니다. lesson 1 lesson 11 lesson 21 lesson 31 lesson 41 lesson 51 lesson 2 lesson 12 lesson 22 lesson 32 lesson 42 lesson 52 lesson 3 lesson 13 lesson 23 lesson 33 lesson 43 lesson 53 lesson 4 lesson 14 lesson 24 lesson 34 lesson 44 lesson 54 lesson 5 lesson 15 lesson 25 lesson 35 lesson 45 lesson 55 lesson 6 lesson 16 lesson 26 lesson 36 lesson 46 lesson 56 les..
해외여행중이나, 외국인을 만날때 내게 힘이 된 고급영어 100 문장 1. 과거에 하려고 했던 걸 말하고자 때 was going to Jessy was going to introduce Woody to Buzz. I'd bought this white dress and was going to wear it for the Dance Party. 2. 어디에 다녀왔을 때는 have been "What are you going to do on your trip to the Big Apple ? I myself have been to New York several times. Lots of things." Mom replied. "We are going to eat a breakfast at the Embassy..
Dialogue A : Did you hear the news? Mr. Kim in the Marketing Department is resigning. B : Really? Why is he resigning? A : It looks like he was offered much higher salary from other company. B : That’s what I thought. A : He says he really liked the people and his job here, but also said he needed to earn more to support his big family. B : I see. I wish him well at the new job. (번역) A : Did you..