Question Mark(?)

의문문에서 쓰이며 어떤 사실이나 모양의 정확성에 대한 의문을 보일 때 쓰임.
A question mark is used after an interrogative sentence and to show doubt about the correctness of a fact or figure.


직접적인 질문에 쓰임. Direct Question

How long will it be before deep-diving vehicles will be able to search the deepest ocean floor for deposits of silver, manganese, and cobalt?


간접 인용문에는 Question Mark를 쓰지 않음. Indirect Quotation

Because I love seals and dolphins, my father always asks me if want to be a marine biologist. I asked if marine biologists will be required to live on the ocean floor.


말 하는 사람이 어떤 사실이나 모양에서 확실하지 않다는 것을 보이기 위하여 쓰임. In parentheses

By the year 2050(?) we will be able to explore the ocean floor without attachment to any support vehicle.