TO 부정사

TO 부정사                                           

1. 명사적 용법

@  "∼ 하는 것, ∼ 하기"로 해석되며, 문장 안에서 명사 역할(주어, 목적어, 명사보어, 동격)로 쓰일 경우

@  주어로서 부정사가 문두에 오는 일은 드물며, 그 대신 형식주어 It를 쓴다. (가주어, 진주어)

1) 주어로 쓰이는 경우

  • To learn English is very easy. = It is very easy to learn English.
  • To know oneself is difficult.
  • To answer this question is very difficult.
  • To live is not merely to breathe.

2) 목적어로 쓰이는 경우

  • I want to read this book

   @『의문사 + to 부정사』가 명사구의 역할을 해서 동사의 목적어로 쓰인다.

  • I don't know what to do ( where to go / when to do it / how to swim / whom to go with).
  • He began to listen attentively.
  • I taught him how to read English.
  • Please show me where to put my shoes.
  • I found it easy to read this book. (가목적어, 진목적어)

3) 명사보어로 쓰이는 경우

To see is to believe.

To do two things at a time is to do neither.

To know him is to respect him. (그를 알게되면 존경하게 된다.)

4) 동격으로 쓰이는 경우 :

He has one aim, to make money.

5) to부정사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사

want, hope, decide, learn, wish, plan, care, choose, promise, expect, refuse, mean, desire, determine, agree, seek, manage

2. 형용사적 용법

@ 『∼하는, ∼할』로 해석되며, 명사.대명사의 뒤에 놓여서 그 명사나 대명사를 수식하는 역할

@ 수식 받는 명사는 부정사의 의미상 주어, 또는 의미상 목적어, 또는 그 밖의 것이 된다.

1) 한정적 용법 : 명사 뒤에서 수식

  • I have no friend to help me.
  • I have got letters to write. (써야 할 편지)
  • I want something to write on. (쓸 것 - 종이 등)
  • I want something to write with. (쓸 도구 - 펜 등)
  • I have no book to read.
  • Boys, now is the time to learn English.
  • I have no friend to advise me.
  • There are many sights to see here.
  • something to eat  /  something to see  /  something to be seen  
  • I want a pen to write a letter with.
  • Please give me something cold to drink.

@『전치사 + 관계 대명사 + to부정사』가 명사를 수식하는 경우.

  • I have no house in which to live.

    = I have no house to live in.

  • I want a pen to write a letter with.

    = I want a pen with which to write a letter.

  • Is this a chair for me to sit on.

2) 서술적 용법 : 『be + to 용법』

be + to 부정사가 문장 안에서 주격보어(형용사 보어)로 쓰여서 예정, 의무, 가능, 운명(∼할 운명이다), 의도(∼하려면: intend to) 등을 나타낸다.

① 예정

  • We are to meet at the post office.
  • We are to arrive there at five.
  • The meeting is to be held at 10 tomorrow morning.

② 의무

  • You are to finish it by six.
  • You are to obey your parents.
  • You are to finish your homework by two o'clock.
  • You are to clean the window after dusting.

③ 가능 : 주로 수동태, 부정문, 의문문에서 사용됨

  • No one was to be seen on the street.
  • No one of them was to be found here.
  • Not a trace of him is to be discovered.
  • Nothing is to be had without perseverance and efforts.

④ 의도 : If절 안에서의 to be는 주로 intend to의 뜻으로 쓰임

  • If you are to succeed, you must work hard.

⑤ 운명

  • He was never to see his home again.
  • Byron left his native land, and he was never to return.
  • The day came, the day which was to decide the fate of the Empire.

3. 부사적 용법  

@ to 부정사가 문장 안에서 부사적 기능을 하며 목적, 결과, 원인, 조건, 양보, 이유.판단의 근거, 정도 등을 나타냄.

1) 목적 :『∼하기 위해서, ∼하러』

  • I got up early in order to catch the train.
    • I made haste so as to be in time for the lesson.
    • To hear her sweet voice, you would fall in love with her.
    • We came here to study English.
    • We eat to live, not live to eat.
    • He works hard that he may pass the exam.

      = He works hard so that he can pass the exam.

      = He works hard in order that he will pass the exam.

      = He works hard to ( = so as to = in order to ) pass the exam.

      = He works hard for the purpose of passing the exam.
                             = with the view of = with a view to = with the intention of = with the object of (전치사구:∼하기 위하여)

    @ 복문을 단문으로 고치는 방법

    ⓐ 접속사 that의 생략.

    ⓑ 주절의 주어와 종속절의 주어가 같으면 생략.

    ⓒ 조동사 생략.

    ⓓ to를 사용하여 부정사 구문으로 고침.

    • She kept quiet so that she might not disturb her father.

      = She kept quiet so as not to disturb her father. (부정사의 부정은 부정어를 to 앞에)

      = She kept quiet lest she should disturb her father. (lest ∼ should 구문)

      = She kept quiet for fear of disturbing her father. (for fear of ∼ing, for fear (that) + 절)

    2) 결과 :『∼하여∼되다, ∼해보니 ∼하였다』

    @ 무의지 동사인 awake, live, grow up 다음에 나오는 to부정사는 주로 결과를 나타냄.

    • Lincoln grew to be president of America.
    • He lived to be one hundred years old.
    • I awoke one morning to find myself famous.
    • He worked hard only to fail in the exam.
    • She married him happily only to divorce herself from him after three months.
    • He awoke to find himself famous.
    • He tried to rise, but it was useless.

      = He tried to rise only to fail.

      = He tried in vain(vainly) to rise.

    @ so that ∼ 과 so ∼ that

    ① so that∼ : 목적, 결과(therefore, and so), 조건(if only, so long as)

    ㉠ 목적

    • He got up early so that he might be in time for the train.

      = He got up early so as to be in time for the train.

    ㉡ 결과

    • A great storm arose, so that the ship were wretched.

    ㉢ 조건

    • Any book will do, so that it is interesting.

    ② so ∼ that (so that 이하가 결과 부사절)

    • He got up so early that he was in time for the train.

      = He got up so early as to be in time for the train.

    3) 원인 : 『∼하니 ∼하다, ∼해서 ∼하다』

    @ 감정을 나타내는 동사나 형용사 다음에 나오는 부정사는 원인을 나타냄.

    @ 감정 동사  : smile, weep, aggrieve

    @ 감정 형용사: glad, happy, sorry, delighted, pleased, surprised

    • I'm sorry to trouble you.
    • I am glad to see you.
    • Everybody was surprised to hear the news.
    • I was surprised to find her gone.

      = To my surprised, I found her gone.

      @ to one's + 추상 명사  (결과를 나타냄, ∼가 ...하게도)

    4) 조건 : 『만약 ∼한다면』

    • To tell a lie again, you will be punished.

      = If you tell a lie again, you will be punished.

    • To hear him speak English, you would take him for an American.

      = If you would hear him speak English, you??.

    • To hear her sweet voice, you would fall in love with her.
    • I should be glad to go with you.

      = I should be very glad if I could go with you.

    • I should be very happy to be of any service to you.

      = I should be very glad if I could be of any service to you.

    5) 양보 : 『아무리 ∼하였으나, 아무리 ∼한다 해도』

    • To do his best, he could not succeed in it.

      = Though he did his best, he could not succeed in it.

    • To say the least of it, he has one million dollars.

      = Though I say the least of it, he has one million dollars.

    6) 이유, 판단의 근거 : 『∼을 보니』

    @ st be [cannot be, 감탄문] +  to 부정사

    • He must be honest to say so.
    • How foolish I was to trust him.
    • He must be fool to believe such a thing.
    • He cannot be rich to ask you for some money.
    • What a lucky fellow you are to have such a nice girl friend!

    7) 정도 : 『∼하기에 ...하다』

    @ 타동사나 전치사의 목적어는 본주어로 고칠 수 있다.

    • It is not good to drink this water.

      = This water is not good to drink (타동사의 목적어)

    • It seems to be comfortable to sleep in this bed.

      = This bed seems to be comfortable to sleep in (전치사의 목적어)

    • English is hard to learn. = It is hard to learn English.
    • He is old enough to go to school.
    • You are too young to marry.
    • He is too wise not to know it.  (그는 너무 현명하니 그것을 알지 못할 리 없다.)
    • The Romans were not too proud to learn useful lessons from the people whom they conquered.

      (로마인들은 너무 거만하지 않았으므로, 정복민들로부터 유용한 교훈을 배울 수 있었다.)

    8) 독립 부정사 : 부사적 구실을 하는 부정사가 독립적으로 쓰여 문장 전체를 수식하는 관용어구로 사용

    • To tell the truth, I don't like your sister
    • To do her justice, she is a good-natured woman.
    • so to speak  = as it were (즉, 말하자면)
    • to begin with (우선)
    • strange to say (이상한 이야기지만)
    • To make a long story short = in short (간단히 말해서)
    • To be sure (확실히)
    • not to speak of ∼ = to say nothing of∼  (∼은 말할 것도 없이)
    • To make matters worse = what is worse (설상가상으로)
    • To be frank with you, he is a miser.
    • To judge his outward appearance, he must be a gentleman.
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